[Cbc] Determining feasibility when a model times out

Daniels, Troy (US SSA) troy.daniels at baesystems.com
Mon Jun 27 19:06:11 EDT 2011

Using the OSI interface to CBC, if I call setMaximumSeconds and branchAndBound() terminates due to that limit, how do I distinguish between it finishing with a feasible (but possibly suboptimal) solution and finishing with an infeasible solution?  I see methods like isProvenOptimal and isProvenPrimalInfeasible, but nothing like isFeasible.

I could loop over all of the integer variables and check if they are within tolerance of integer values, but it seems that there should be a method that does that (and does not risk me using the wrong tolerance or getting a different rounding error).

Is there something I am missing?


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