[Cbc] Getting Started

Alex Escott AE at malaspina-labs.com
Thu Aug 4 17:49:54 EDT 2011

FYI, I don't have a simple mathematical equation for my objective function. I am passing the parameters to an audio processing application, it processes an audio file, runs an analysis tool on the output audio and returns a single value.

-----Original Message-----
From: cbc-bounces at list.coin-or.org [mailto:cbc-bounces at list.coin-or.org] On Behalf Of Alex Escott
Sent: August-04-11 10:24 AM
To: cbc at list.coin-or.org
Subject: [Cbc] Getting Started

Hi all, new to CBC and trying to get something simple (I think!) working. I have an objective function and set of parameters which is pretty small in comparison to the 1000s of params that I see people talking about. 

My params will be integer, floating point, or Boolean, and they don't have any constraints between them. I only have ranges for the values themselves. I have only 10-15 of these. They look something like:

int     num1, where 0 <= num1 <= 20
float num2, where -1.0 <= num2 <= 1.0
bool num3, where num3 == 0 or 1 (true or false)

I've spent the last day or two going through the code, docs and examples and am still wondering how to get started... 

1. What class do I create for my solution? A CBCSolver?
2. How are these .mps files created... are they a serialized state of the solver, or do I create one from scratch to start?
3. How do I declare my params and their types/bounds and input them to the solver?
4. How do I hook up my objective function?

Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks a lot!


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