[Cbc] Call heuristics only after all cuts have been added

Haroldo Santos haroldo.santos at gmail.com
Sat May 8 10:14:19 EDT 2010

Dear Forrest/CBC developers,

I've been using with success the feature described in  the example
allCuts.cpp : constraints are dynamically added to define the MIP (and
not only to cut fractional solutions). This featured has allowed me to
speed up a lot the solution process and to work with much larger

There is only one problem: when I added the Feasibility Pump (FP)
heuristic cbc calls this heuristic *before* adding the cuts that
define the problem so that FP find an invalid integer solution.

How can I change this behavior so that FP (or any other heuristic) is
called only after all cuts have been added ?

Thanks in advance,


Haroldo Gambini Santos
Computing Department - Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto - UFOP
email: haroldo.santos at gmail.com
home/research page:  http://www.iceb.ufop.br/decom/prof/haroldo/

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