[BuildTools] afterthougts re. libtool & cl support

Lou Hafer lou at cs.sfu.ca
Tue Nov 28 18:51:23 EST 2006


	Two additional thoughts w.r.t. libtool and msvc/cl/link.

	I certainly agree with the idea of trying to get the libtool tests to
run once.  I've spend a lot of time staring at those tests in the last week.
I've thought about pushing them up into the project top-level configure script.
It will require some thought, and some care.  In particular, libtool does a
bunch of generic tests on compilers which do not get the correct answers if the
compilers and associated options are not correct.  Which implies pushing the
tests for the three compilers (C++, C, Fortran) up into the top level.  The list
of compilers will likely grow, very shortly, to include Java.

	Also, as I've been rutching around in the guts of autoconf, I've noticed
a lot of comments to the effect that cl support is very dusty and needs to be
revisited.  We should consider whether we'd be better off fixing this down
in autoconf and submitting it to the autoconf maintainers.  In the long run, it
might save us work.  Question is, how many among us have good cl
expertise?  Philip (Walton), are you reading this?  Kip? Jun?


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