[Bonmin] Bonmin Visual C++ Compiler + x64 + c#

Ted Ralphs ted at lehigh.edu
Fri Aug 28 12:11:14 EDT 2015

Hi Attila,

I'm working on version 1.8 of the Optimization Suite, but it's been a bit
slow going and I still have not made a first release. I really hope to be
making a release soon and then will see about a 64-bit distribution, which
is something I've been avoiding so far :). In principle, it should not be
difficult except that it requires the full version of Visual Studio and I'm
not sure which full versions of Visual Studio I have around. It may take
some time to get this all worked out. If you are desperate and don't care
too much about which version of Visual Studio, I can try to build a 64-bit
version of 1.7.4 as a one-off.



On Fri, Aug 28, 2015 at 10:02 AM, Attila Horváth <
horvathattila880715 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear maintainers and developers,
> I am writing to you because I have successfully used bonmin from c# code
> by writing a small wrapper and i feel it fits all needs for my project and
> since i am already invested in it so much i'm hoping i could ask you for a
> solution to my problem:
> Sadly it turned out that i can't use a 32-bit dll in our application and i
> would be happy to get my hands on a 64-bit version of the bonmin library
> and dependencies if by any means its possible. I have been searching on the
> site https://projects.coin-or.org/MSVisualStudio for instructions but as
> far as i know Bonmin doesn't have a Visual Studio solution and building
> with Cygwin would make the dll incompatible with c#.
> The distribution that i have been using:
> http://www.coin-or.org/download/binary/OptimizationSuite/COIN-OR-1.7.4-win32-msvc9.zip.
> Is there any probability i could ask for a 64-bit distribution or a VS
> Solution? Is it even possible to compile the library for x64? I am not
> necessarily sticking with 1.7.4.
> Thank you in advance,
> Horváth Attila
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Dr. Ted Ralphs
Professor, Lehigh University
(610) 628-1280
ted 'at' lehigh 'dot' edu
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