[Bonmin] Bonmin Matlab interface

Alex Ferrer aferrer at cimne.upc.edu
Mon Jul 22 10:02:49 EDT 2013

Hello all,
My name is Alex and I am a Phd student in Barcelona. My research is about design material through optimization.
I coursed some courses in Optimization and I learnt how to use Ipopt and Bonmin but with AMPL language.
However in my research, I am using Matlab, so I installed theMatlab interface  <https://projects.coin-or.org/Ipopt/wiki/MatlabInterface>  for Ipopt and everything is okey.
Because I am using binary variables I want to also use Bonmin through Matlab as I do it with Ipopt.
Is it possible? Does anyone know how to do it? Could I use it through Ipopt interface?

Another question, I see that Bonmin use Ipopt for solving the relaxed problem. If I have already installed Ipopt could I use it in the configure step, something like -with-ipopt= ...
I am starting with Linux so I am a little lost.
Thank you very much in advance

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