[Bonmin] Install GAMSlinks

GAOUA Yacine ygaoua at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 31 11:14:56 EST 2012


I need help to install GAMSlink (on cygwin) by using Bonmin Solver  to test many problems (MINLP, NLP) with a big  quantity of data.

1. I downloaded GAMSlinks (svn checkout https://projetcs.coin-or/svn/GAMSlinks/stable/0.4 /usr/local/GAMSlinks)

2. I ran the following commands
./get GAMSIO 
./get blas
./get Lapack
./get Mumps
svn propset svn:externals -F Externals .
svn update

3. I added "ASL" to ThirdParty folder, and "ma19ad.f" "ma27ad.f" to HSL

4. From the GAMSlinks folder, i executed the command ./configure but i have many errors
Thank you for your help

Yacine GAOUA
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