[Bonmin] Bonmin-AMPL

Fabio Rossetto Libero f-rossetto at libero.it
Sat Apr 25 05:29:33 EDT 2009


i'm Fabio, i have a problem to run Bonmin with AMPL. I installed AMPL in the
same bonmin.exe directory but when I go to the "mytoy" test I get this:


4 variables:

                1 binary variables

                1 integer variables

                2 nonlinear variables

3 constraints; 7 linear nonzeros

                1 nonlinear constraints

                2 linear constraints

1 linear objective; 3 nonzeros.

exit code 3221225781


I must however say, when i was starting mytoy.nl  commands were not
recognized and what is obtained are the following lines of code:


test/mytoy.nl:line 50: 2: command not found

test/mytoy.nl:line 51: 3: command not found

test/mytoy.nl:line 52: G0: command not found

test/mytoy.nl:line 53: 0: command not found

test/mytoy.nl:line 54: 1: command not found

test/mytoy.nl:line 55: 2: command not found

Where i wrong? Thank you very much for your patience.


Fabio Rossetto


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