[ADOL-C] Multiple tapes, problem with adolc-2.6.*

Kshitij Kulshreshtha kshitij at math.uni-paderborn.de
Tue Apr 10 02:46:39 EDT 2018


Would you be able to send us a small test program to reproduce this error on our end? 

Dr. Kshitij Kulshreshtha 

Scribbled on an Android Tablet.

On 9 April 2018 22:31:41 CEST, Lukasz Kaczmarczyk <Lukasz.Kaczmarczyk at glasgow.ac.uk> wrote:
>I am using adol-c for some time without problems. In fact, everything
>works great with adol-c 2.5.2.
>However, for adol-c 2.6.* process is killed without error. I have
>multiple tapes and do retape often. The error is deterministic and can
>be easily reproduced.
>I set .adolcrc and increased buffer sizes, just in case, however that
>changed nothing.
>Any help very appreciated.
>Kind regards,
>[University of Glasgow: The Times Scottish University of the Year 2018]
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