[ADOL-C] inverse_tensor_eval memory error

Brad Bell bradbell at seanet.com
Fri Aug 4 09:51:30 EDT 2017

On 08/04/2017 12:26 AM, Kshitij Kulshreshtha wrote:
> Hello,
> in svn commit 740 on trunk

Switching to the the bleeding edge, the adolc svn trunk version 744, 
fixes the problem with the test case below.

> or git commit 5ae5bf59 of the master branch

Searching for 'git' on the web page
does not yield any hits.

Where is the git repository ?

Is the ADOL-C development being done in svn or git ?

... snip ...
>>> =================================================================================================
>>>         # include <adolc/adolc.h>
>>>         int main(void)
>>>         {
>>>              int n = 1;    // number of independent and dependent
>>> variables
>>>              int d = 2;    // highest order derivative
>>>              int p = 1;    // number of directions
>>>              int size = 3; // [(p + d) choose d] = (p+d-0) *...* (p+1) /
>>>         (1 *...* d)
>>>              //
>>>              double* S[1];      // seed matrix S[n][p]
>>>              S[0] = new double[p];
>>>              //
>>>              double* tensor[1]; // partials of z w.r.t x tensor[n][size]
>>>              tensor[0] = new double[size];
>>>              // Set Seed matrix to identity
>>>              S[0][0] = 1.0;
>>>              // independent and dependent variables
>>>              adouble az[1], ay[1]; // az[n], ay[n]
>>>              double  z[1],  y[1];  //  z[n],  y[n]
>>>              // record operations for y = F(z) = sin(z)
>>>              short int tag = 1;     // tape identifier
>>>              trace_on(tag);         // start recording
>>>              z[0]  = 1.0;           // value during recording
>>>              az[0] <<= z[0];        // independent variable
>>>              ay[0] = sin(az[0]);    // function evaluation
>>>              ay[0] >>= y[0];        // dependent variable
>>>              trace_off();           // turn off recording
>>>              // evaluate inverse of F at x0
>>>              double x0 = 0.5;            // argument for inverse
>>>              z[0]      = std::asin(x0);  // F^-1 (x0) = z0
>>>              inverse_tensor_eval(tag, n, d, p, z, tensor, S);
>>>              // print tensor
>>>              for(int j = 0; j < size; j++)
>>>              {   std::cout << "tensor[0][" << j << "] = " <<
>>>         tensor[0][j] << "\n";
>>>              }
>>>              // derivative of F^-1 (x0)  =  1.0 / sqrt( 1 - x0 * x0 )
>>>              double zp = 1.0 / std::sqrt(1.0 - x0 * x0 );
>>>              // second derivative of F^-1 (x0)  =  x0 / sqrt( 1 - x0 *
>>>         x0 )^3
>>>              double zpp = x0 * zp * zp * zp;
>>>              // print derivatives for z
>>>              std::cout << "z = " << z[0] << "\n";
>>>              std::cout << "zp = " << zp << "\n";
>>>              std::cout << "zpp = " << zpp << "\n";
>>>              //
>>>              delete [] S[0];
>>>              delete [] tensor[0];
>>>              //
>>>              std::cout << "adolc: Done\n";
>>>              return 0;
>>>         }
... snip ...

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