[ADOL-C] advector example
Mu Wang
wangmu0701 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 28 13:46:13 EDT 2013
Hi Antoine,
Do you still have the same problem? Our group is maintaining ColPack and if
there is any bug within ColPack or related with ADOL-C+ColPack, we are glad
to help. So if it's fine, you can send the code and we will check it.
On Wed, Mar 27, 2013 at 9:43 PM, Antoine De Blois <
antoine.deblois at aero.bombardier.com> wrote:
> Hi Kshitij,****
> ** **
> I started modifying my code based on your advice. I have a question before
> I start digging more into intense modifications! ****
> ** **
> In the stripped code posted below, the method GenerateResidualTape has the
> index i, j and k as arguments. Internally, there are many advector that use
> the index as adouble. As you can see, the array W (the independent
> variables) changes as a function of i, j and k (GetPrimitives). So far, so
> good. But how about all the other internal advectors that depend on the
> indices? How can the call to sparse_jac know about those changed indices
> (apart from W obviously)? For example, I have an advector of face areas. In
> GenerateResidualTape, I retrieve the areas of a given I,j,k. On the next
> iteration, I want the jacobian with respect to the new areas from the
> advector.****
> ** **
> Thank you for your time,****
> Antoine****
> ** **
> ** **
> int cnt=0;****
> for (adouble k=2;k<mNmax[2]-2;k++) *// i, j and k used to be int**
> ***
> {****
> for (adouble j=2;j<mNmax[1]-2;j++)****
> {****
> for (adouble i=2;i<mNmax[0]-2;i++)****
> {****
> int ret;****
> if (cnt!=0)****
> { ****
> mpStencil->GetPrimitives(i,j,k,W);**
> **
> ret = sparse_jac(mTag, m, n, 0, W,
> &nnz, &rind, &cind, &values, options);****
> free(rind); rind=NULL;****
> free(cind); cind=NULL;****
> free(values); values=NULL; ****
> }****
> ** **
> if ( (cnt==0) || (ret!=3))****
> { ****
> GenerateResidualTape(i,j,k);****
> mpStencil->GetPrimitives(i,j,k,W); ****
> ret = sparse_jac(mTag, m, n, 0, W,
> &nnz, &rind, &cind, &values, options); ****
> free(rind); rind=NULL;****
> free(cind); cind=NULL;****
> free(values); values=NULL;****
> }****
> cnt++;****
> }****
> }****
> }****
> ** **
> ** **
> ** **
> ----------------------------------****
> ** **
> Hello,****
> ** **
> advector can indeed deal with changing indices in an array at a****
> different evaluation point.****
> ** **
> The constructor advector(const std::vector<adouble>& v) will indeed copy**
> **
> the elements. This is standard practice when dealing with STL classes.****
> If it did not copy then there would be the chance of some other part of***
> *
> the code changing the memory contents from under the STL-container, and***
> *
> there would be no warning for this.****
> ** **
> The easiest way to do this efficiently is to construct the advector****
> using advector(size_t n) and then assigning the elements using the****
> operator [](size_t i) or using a dynamic_cast<vector<adouble>& >() to****
> access the std::vector inside the advector. This would avoid copying.****
> You anyway need to assign the elements at some point.****
> ** **
> The index for accessing the elements, which may change at a different****
> evaluation point must however be an adouble or an expression with****
> adoubles and the indexing is done with operator [](const badouble& i)****
> ** **
> Hope this helps****
> Kshitij****
> ** **
> As on 2013-03-22 22:24, Antoine De Blois did write:****
> >* Hi everyone,*
> >* *
> >* I was trying to find a way to avoid retaping when the index of an
> array changes for a different taping point. I found today the advector,
> which sounds very promising for my application.*
> >* *
> >* I want to have the advector 's as members of a class and I want to
> efficiently construct the advector. I don't think that the*
> >* advector(const std::vector<adouble>& v) will be efficient due to the
> involved copies. Is it done this way to avoid the lvalue issue?*
> >* *
> >* Is there any C++ code example someone is willing to share? I tried to
> search quickly on the web but I could not find any. This article confirms
> that ADOL-C can do what I want:*
> >* "Computing derivatives in a meshless simulation using permuation in
> ADOL-C." Kulshreshtha*
> >* *
> >* Thank you for your time,*
> >* A*****
> ** **
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