[ADOL-C] Reusing tapes in Ipopt interface

Axel Lachmeyer lachmeyer at isys.uni-stuttgart.de
Wed Sep 26 04:23:52 EDT 2012

Hi there,

I am using ADOL-C together with the Ipopt interface. Everything works 
fine, many thanks for this great tool.
Now I would like to reuse the tapes for subsequent runs of my 
optimization hoping to increase speed. I managed to save the tapes to 
disk (trace_off(1)). Now: Do I need to replace the calls to gradient(), 
sparse_jac(), sparse_hess() by calls to function()? Or could I modify 
generate_tapes() such that it loads the tapes from disk?
Thanks very much for your help,


Dipl.-Ing. Axel Lachmeyer
Universitaet Stuttgart
Institut fuer Systemdynamik
Pfaffenwaldring 9
D-70569 Stuttgart

E-Mail:  axel.lachmeyer at isys.uni-stuttgart.de
Tel.:  +49 (0)711/685-66318
Fax:   +49 (0)711/685-66371

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