[ADOL-C] ADOLC 2.2.1 vs branch

Rishi Amrit rishiamrit at gmail.com
Sun Jan 15 19:02:26 EST 2012


   Thanks for your reply. I am trying to debug the segmentation fault
that I'm getting when I call the sparse_hess routine. To do that I
compiled ADOLC with debug mode. Here is what I get:

StoreManagerInteger::grow(): increase size from 4 to 8 entries
(currently 1 entries used)
StoreManagerInteger::grow(): allocate 64 B doubles and 32 B locints
next_loc: 1 fill: 2max: 8
next_loc: 2 fill: 3max: 8
next_loc: 3 fill: 4max: 8
next_loc: 4 fill: 5max: 8
next_loc: 5 fill: 6max: 8
next_loc: 6 fill: 7max: 8
next_loc: 7 fill: 8max: 8
StoreManagerInteger::grow(): increase size from 8 to 16 entries
(currently 8 entries used)
octave: tape_handling.cpp:161: void StoreManagerLocint::grow():
Assertion `alteGroesse == initialeGroesse or size() ==
(alteGroesse-1)' failed.
panic: Aborted -- stopping myself...
attempting to save variables to `octave-core'...
save to `octave-core' complete

Seems like some assertion in tape_handling.cpp is failing. Not sure
what this points to. Any pointers would be really helpfull.


Kind regards,

On Thu, Jan 12, 2012 at 4:48 AM, Kshitij Kulshreshtha
<kshitij at math.upb.de> wrote:
> Hello,
> yes there are a few small bugfixes in the svn-trunk. You should
> definitely try this out.
> Regards.
> Kshitij.
> As on 2012-01-11 16:14, Rishi Amrit did write:
>> Hello,
>>   I had a quick question, is the branch version of ADOLC (the one that
>> I can checkout using svn) more stable than 2.2.1 ? I have been trying
>> to debug a code with a large system in which I get a segmentation
>> fault when I call the hessian or the sparse_hessian driver. I am
>> wondering if I should try it with the svn repository version.
>> Thanks,
>> Kind regards
>> Rishi
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> Dr. Kshitij Kulshreshtha
> Institut für Mathematik,
> Universität Paderborn,
> Warburger Straße 100,
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