[ADOL-C] ADOL-C Digest, Vol 6, Issue 6

Antonello Lobianco antonello at lobianco.org
Wed Aug 29 15:40:37 EDT 2012

I managed to get ColPack 1.0.8, using the .so library manually
generated, to compile in ADOL-C 2.3 using the configure scripts of
ADOL-C 2.2.1, running autoreconf --force --install and placing ColPack
under ThirdParties.. actually I'm not even sure that the .so library
was really needed...

I didn't want to use the brebuilt adolc 2.2.1 library with ColPack
1.0.4 as provided by bocop as it was giving me a segfault when my real
case model was loaded with a relativelly large amount of data, so I
tought it was due the old library, aas in Linus works fine.. while
unfortunatly I still have the segfault. But this is an other issue
that I'll report when I'll have focused it better. For now thanks, I
managed to get the latest version compiled on MinGw..


Antonello Lobianco <antonello at lobianco.org>
> I am still without a working solution. I have tried unsuccesfully three different methods:
> 1) Trying to compile on MinGw ADOL-C 2.2.1:
> config.status: executing libtool commands
> Making all in ADOL-C
> Making all in src
> Making all in drivers
> mv: cannot stat `.deps/drivers.Tpo': No such file or directory
> Any how, I'd like to be able to compile the latest version of ADOL-C/ColPack if possible
> 2) Setting AC_LIBTOOL_WIN32_DLL in ColPack-1.0.8/configure.ac
> My new configure.ac looks like:
> However, even after autoconf, autoreconf --force --install and ./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-shared the make command doesn't produce any shared library.
> 3) Manually compilation of the shared library
> I manually compiled the ColPack shared library, using some info from the 1.0.4 makefile:
> g++ -shared -Wl,-soname,libColPack.so -o libColPack.so <list of object files>
> /bin/install -c libColPack.so /usr/lib/libColPack.so
> I obtain the libColPack.so, but then still ADOL-C gives me the error that it can't compile the static library and it would need the dynamic library. Maybe now it is just a point on where I should place the libColPack.so file ???
> Antonello
> --
> Antonello Lobianco
> INRA, Laboratoire d'Economie Forestière
> 14 Rue Girardet - 54000 Nancy, France
> Tel: +33.652392310
> Email: antonello.lobianco at nancy-engref.inra.fr
> http://antonello.lobianco.org

Antonello Lobianco
INRA, Laboratoire d'Economie Forestière
14 Rue Girardet - 54000 Nancy, France
Tel: +33.652392310
Email: antonello.lobianco at nancy-engref.inra.fr

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