[ADOL-C] Installing ADOLC-2.2.0
Kshitij Kulshreshtha
kshitij at math.upb.de
Wed Jun 1 10:19:46 EDT 2011
As on 2011-06-01 15:09, Brad Bell did write:
> Thanks for your work and investigation into this matter. I really
> appreciate the suggested configure.ac file.
> As of version 20110503 of CppAD, forward mode results that contain Nan
> values are detected and reported (when NDEBUG is not defined), see
> http://www.coin-or.org/CppAD/Doc/whats_new_11.xml#05-03
> I am not sure from the discussion below if the test
> http://www.coin-or.org/CppAD/Doc/mul_level_adolc.cpp.xml
> passed under your copy of ADOL-C.2.1.2 ?
> If 2.1.2 passes this test on your system, it does not have any nan
> results. So the question is why are they different for 2.1.2 than for 2.2.
> If 2.1.2 fails this test on your system, it passes on my system and the
> question is why is my system different from yours ?
I did what you suggested with just running one example.
Here is what I get with CppAD/trunk at 1959 + my patch and ADOL-C v2.1.12
[kulshres at adonis example]$ ./test_one.sh mul_level_adolc.cpp
g++ test_one.cpp mul_level_adolc.cpp -o test_one.exe -g -Wall -ansi
-pedantic-errors -Wshadow -std=c++98 -DCPPAD_ADOLC_EXAMPLES -I..
-I/usr/include/boost-1_33_1 -I/home/kulshres/include
-I/home/kulshres/oldadolc/include -L/home/kulshres/oldadolc/lib64
-Wl,-rpath,/home/kulshres/oldadolc/lib64 -ladolc
mul_level_adolc CppAD 20110528 error from a known source:
y_p = f.Forward(p, x_p): has a nan in y_p for p = 0.
Error detected by false result for
at line 107 in the file
test_one.exe: ../cppad/error_handler.hpp:198: static void
CppAD::ErrorHandler::Default(bool, int, const char*, const char*, const
char*): Assertion `false' failed.
./test_one.sh: line 67: 31548 Aborted ./test_one.exe
Here is what I get with ADOL-C v2.2.0:
[kulshres at adonis example]$ ./test_one.sh mul_level_adolc.cpp
g++ test_one.cpp mul_level_adolc.cpp -o test_one.exe -g -Wall -ansi
-pedantic-errors -Wshadow -std=c++98 -DCPPAD_ADOLC_EXAMPLES -I..
-I/usr/include/boost-1_33_1 -I/home/kulshres/include
-I/home/kulshres/newadolc/include -L/home/kulshres/newadolc/lib64
-Wl,-rpath,/home/kulshres/newadolc/lib64 -ladolc
mul_level_adolc CppAD 20110528 error from a known source:
y_p = f.Forward(p, x_p): has a nan in y_p for p = 0.
Error detected by false result for
at line 107 in the file
test_one.exe: ../cppad/error_handler.hpp:198: static void
CppAD::ErrorHandler::Default(bool, int, const char*, const char*, const
char*): Assertion `false' failed.
./test_one.sh: line 67: 8358 Aborted ./test_one.exe
As you can see the output is identical.
My system is an Intel Core i7 (Arrandale) running Linux v2.6.39 x86_64,
gcc 4.5 glibc 2.11.3.
Dr. Kshitij Kulshreshtha
Institut für Mathematik,
Universität Paderborn,
Warburger Straße 100,
33098 Paderborn.
Büro: A3.235
Arnikaweg 62
33100 Paderborn.
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