[ADOL-C] Seg fault

Rishi Amrit amrit at wisc.edu
Mon Aug 16 12:13:03 EDT 2010


   I am using ADOL-C to compute the gradient of a function. Once the tape is
read, I get the following tapestats:
c0: 700
c1: 1
c2: 2728
c3: 0
c4: 65536

Then I call the gradient driver to compute the gradient, and then when I
read tapestats again, I get:

c0: 700
c1: 1
c2: 2728
c3: 4191
c4: 65536

I see that the size of value stack changed from 0 to 4191. After a couple
more gradient calls, I get a segmentation fault in the gradient call. Any
ideas on what might be happening ?


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