[Coin-ima] Fw: COIN-OR Workshop

Giacomo Nannicini nannicini at us.ibm.com
Tue Sep 4 10:11:46 EDT 2018

Hi all,
I thought we had approved Jiajun Xu? I definitely remember emails with Ben
in which this was brought up. Any idea why he is not on the list?


----- Forwarded by Giacomo Nannicini/Watson/IBM on 09/04/2018 10:10 AM

From:	Suvrajeet Sen <suvrajes at usc.edu>
To:	Giacomo Nannicini <nannicini at us.ibm.com>
Cc:	Matthew Saltzman <mjs at clemson.edu>
Date:	09/04/2018 07:57 AM
Subject:	Re: COIN-OR Workshop


I figured I would follow up on an e-mail about the possibility of Jiajun Xu
attending the IMA workshop on COIN-OR.  Can you let me know whether he will
be able to attend the workshop.  Thanks - Suvrajeet

On Thu, Aug 2, 2018 at 8:58 AM, Suvrajeet Sen <suvrajes at usc.edu> wrote:
  Hi Giacomo,

  I am writing to you about the COIN-OR Workshop.  I had intended to attend
  that workshop, but my travel plans make that infeasible.  The reason for
  my interest is the following.

  You might recall that I had  mentioned a new data-oriented platform
  during my presentation at the MIP 2018 workshop in Greenville earlier in
  the summer (see
  ).  This project is a joint effort between Carl Kesselaman  (
  https://www.isi.edu/~carl/) of ISI (https://www.isi.edu/)  and my lab (

  The above project is about data and creating an environment/repository
  for computational experiments.  In the context of COIN-OR, our project is
  focusing on what used to be RPX in COIN-OR.  But despite all the advances
  in COIN-OR, that part appears to be an orphan at this point.  Please
  correct me if I am wrong.  Nevertheless, thanks to NSF's support, we are
  hoping to set up datasets which focus on OR problems which arise in
  various communities: crime, traffic, energy, and others.  In addition to
  providing a show case of OR impact, we wish to also provide a platform
  where computational experiments can be reported in detail, and can be
  replicated by others.  Ultimately, our goal is to have a setup which one
  could characterize as "Archive-in-Steroids" ... namely, computational OR
  papers being posted together with datasets, results, and an interface
  which will make it possible to reproduce of computational results.  This
  will not only promote greater fidelity to scientific methods of
  computational tests, but also promote more hands-on learning on the part
  of users/researchers.

  Any way, connections with COIN-OR activities are obvious, but as I
  mentioned earlier, I will not be able to attend the October workshop.  In
  order to have our team hook up with the current state of COIN-OR
  software, I am hoping to send one of my Ph.D. students (Jiajun Xu) who
  will be applying for support from the IMA site as well.  However, I
  thought that unlike others who apply for support, our goals are very
  tangible, and have some strict "delivery time-lines."  As a result, I
  hope that you will be able to support Jiajun's participation at the IMA
  workshop, and we are also hopeful that this will provide a very timely
  connection between data (us) and software (COIN-OR).  Thanks very much
  for your consideration. - SS

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