[Clp] Clp_primal reports infeasibility depending on objective sense

Henning Thielemann coinor at henning-thielemann.de
Thu Dec 7 11:29:25 EST 2023

Attached is a small example where 'Simplex.primal' reports an 
infeasibility, but only on maximization and other methods also see no 
infeasibility. Might be a rounding problem, though.
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NAME          ClpDefau
 L  R0000000
 L  R0000001
 L  R0000002
 L  R0000003
 L  R0000004
 G  R0000005
 L  R0000006
 L  R0000007
 L  R0000008
    C0000000  R0000000  5.          
    C0000000  R0000004  10.         
    C0000000  R0000008   -2.        
    C0000001  OBJROW     -6.        
    C0000001  R0000002  9.          
    C0000001  R0000004  10.         
    C0000001  R0000006   -7.        
    C0000001  R0000008   -10.       
    C0000002  R0000001  1.          
    C0000002  R0000002   -9.        
    C0000002  R0000007   -3.        
    C0000002  R0000008   -9.        
    C0000003  OBJROW     -2.        
    C0000003  R0000002   -6.        
    C0000003  R0000003  3.          
    C0000003  R0000004  1.          
    C0000003  R0000007   -8.        
    C0000004  R0000000  4.          
    C0000004  R0000003   -3.        
    C0000004  R0000004  6.          
    C0000004  R0000008  5.          
    C0000005  R0000001  10.         
    C0000005  R0000002  7.          
    C0000005  R0000003   -8.        
    C0000005  R0000005  4.          
    C0000005  R0000007   -10.       
    C0000005  R0000008  3.          
    RHS       R0000000   -23.3581214
    RHS       R0000001  47.394099617
    RHS       R0000002  70.         
    RHS       R0000003   -2.        
    RHS       R0000004  66.         
    RHS       R0000005  19.         
    RHS       R0000006   -57.       
    RHS       R0000007   -115.      
    RHS       R0000008   -95.       
    RANGE     R0000002  10.         
    RANGE     R0000003  38.         
    RANGE     R0000004  14.         
 LO BOUND     C0000000   -52.       
 UP BOUND     C0000000  82.         
 LO BOUND     C0000001   -68.       
 UP BOUND     C0000001  93.         
 LO BOUND     C0000002   -62.       
 UP BOUND     C0000002  64.         
 LO BOUND     C0000003   -78.       
 UP BOUND     C0000003  102.        
 LO BOUND     C0000004   -89.       
 UP BOUND     C0000004  52.         
 LO BOUND     C0000005   -45.       
 UP BOUND     C0000005  81.         

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