[BuildTools] Removing config_xxx.h (specifically, config_coinutils.h)

Stefan Vigerske stefan at math.hu-berlin.de
Sat Mar 26 12:55:21 EDT 2011


in general, I think one needs to find a mechanism to split up 
config_xxx.h into a header file that includes a minimal set of defines 
and gets installed and one that has all the remaining defines and is 
only needed to build that project.
Into the installed file, the defines with the package version should go, 
so other projects have access to the project version at compile time. 
This is some request I saw several times and most software packages 
provide such a define.

For CoinFinite, wouldn't it work if its functions are not implemented in 
CoinFinite.hpp, but in CoinFinite.cpp? They could not be inlined so 
easily anymore, but at least all the systemspecific stuff would be 
hidden from the user.


> Ted, Stefan, et al.,
> 	While working on other code, I was browsing in CoinFinite.hpp and that
> reminded me of the goal of removing config_xxx.h from the set of
> installed include files. This will get very ugly. CoinFinite.hpp makes
> explicit use of many symbols defined in config_coinutils.h, and
> CoinFinite is heavily used, directly and by other include files. This is
> definitely not something we're going to do in a day.
> 						Lou
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