[BuildTools] Build Instructions

Stefan Vigerske stefan at math.hu-berlin.de
Sat Oct 30 09:51:56 EDT 2010


> I am having trouble with the instructions for how to convert to the new
> system. In particular with exactly how to add libraries. If says to
> replace the old LDADD with "something simpler like this:"
> however, when I look at some sample projects such as Dip, I see
> unitTest_LDADD = ../src/libDecomp.la $(DIPLIB_LIBS) $(COINDEPEND_LIBS)

I think
  unitTest_LDADD = ../src/libDecomp.la $(COINDEPEND_LIBS)
  unitTest_LDADD = ../src/libDecomp.la $(DIPLIB_LIBS)
should also work.
DIPLIB_LIBS are the dependencies of the DIP library, without the DIP
library itself.
COINDEPEND_LIBS are the flags to link against the CoinDepend package.
So they are probably the same.

Next to the dependencies of the DIP library, the unittest would also
need the DIP library itself, that's where the ../src/libDecomp.la comes

> so I see the "old style" /src/libDecomp.la library in there plus the new
> style $(DIPLIB_LIBS).  Wouldn't DIPLIB_LIBS constain the libDecomp.la
> library? 


> I am not at all sure how to alter my LDADD in term of the old
> .la and the variable YYY_LIBS.

Use the old .la style for the OS libraries and the YYY_LIBS for all
others, i.e., your dependencies.


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