[BCP] Configuring CPLEX 12.4 with BCP 1.3.4

Luis de la Torre ledelato at gmail.com
Wed Jun 27 14:27:47 EDT 2012

I'm sorry if you're getting this twice, but I got an email that this
bounced, so I'm trying again:

Permissions were wrong, but it didn't fix the problem. Where cplex was
installed, I didn't have enough permissions to compile the included
c++ examples. I moved cplex to another location where I had
permissions to successfully compile and run all of the cplex examples.

There are no spaces in the config.site definition of cplex. Copied and
pasted from the config.site file:

with_cplex_lib="-L$ENV_CPLEX_LIB -lcplex -lpthread"

I have of updated $ENV_CPLEX_LIB and $ENV_CPLEX_H to the new location
of cplex (To check it was updated, I logged out and back in and
checked that in a terminal $ENV_CPLEX_H was the new location).

I'm getting the same error as before when I run the config.site file
after making these changes.

I've posted the latest last_configure.txt and the config.site file:
https://gist.github.com/3005813 and https://gist.github.com/3005818

Thank you for your help,

Luis de la Torre

> On Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 11:32 AM, Francois Margot
> <fmargot at andrew.cmu.edu> wrote:
>>> I'm getting an error that was reported by a user in January, but a
>>> response was never given on the list:
>>> http://list.coin-or.org/pipermail/bcp/2012-January/000314.html
>>> I've set up Bcp 1.3.4 according to the instructions in
>>> http://wpweb2.tepper.cmu.edu/fmargot/COIN/proj1.pdf and compiling
>>> works without trying to use CPLEX. When I run configure to build Bcp
>>> to use CPLEX, I get the error
>>> checking if user provides library for Cplex... yes
>>> checking whether symbol CPXgetstat is available with CPX... no
>>> configure: error: Cannot find symbol(s) CPXgetstat with CPX
>>> configure: error: /bin/sh '../../Osi/configure' failed for Osi
>>> The answer in the previous thread I linked suggested that it was an
>>> issue of user permissions. With the account I'm installing, I can run
>>> CPLEX interactive mode into the cplex bin directory, so I have
>>> permissions, but it's not on my path.
>> Can you also check that you can link with the cplex libraries? Just write
>> a small code and check that you have permissions to do it. Is your license
>> file in a special location and no ILOG_LICENSE_FILE environment variable
>> is defined? I know people using Cplex 12.4 with Bonmin and Couenne (which
>> include Bcp as subproject), so I doubt that the problem is with that
>> version of Cplex.
>> Did you put blank spaces around the '=' sign in
>> with_cplex_incdir='/usr/ilog/cplexStudio122/cplex/include/ilcplex'
>> with_cplex_lib='-L/usr/ilog/cplexStudio122/cplex/lib/x86-64_sles10_4.1/static_pic/
>> -lcplex -lpthread'
>> ?
>>> Also, unrelated, I sent an email several weeks ago about not being
>>> able to configure Bcp to use lapack and blas in Ubuntu. I wasn't able
>>> to work it out, but I was at least able to get past that step in
>>> Fedora 17.
>> It is difficult to help you with that. I have installed Bcp under ubuntu
>> 12.4 and it finds lapack and blas without need of indicating locations in
>> share/config.site.
>> Francois

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