[Coin-bcpdiscuss] [Fwd: BAP question]

Matthew Galati magh at lehigh.edu
Mon Apr 18 20:44:17 EDT 2005

Hi Heesu,

I am forwarding your question to COIN's BCP discussion list. I have not 
used BCP in a long time - and some things may have changed.

Can you tell us more about what type of environment you are running in 
(Linux? Unix?), etc. Also, which example instance did you try? Is this 
the AAP_BP example from 
http://sagan.ie.lehigh.edu/coin/COIN_EXAMPLES/AAP_BP/Doc/aap/index.html ?

I will try to repeat it when I have some free time. Has anyone else used 
AAP_BP? Had any trouble?


Matthew Galati - Optimization Developer
SAS Institute - Analytical Solutions
Phone 919-531-0332, R5327 
Fax   919-677-4444

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	BAP question
Date: 	Fri, 15 Apr 2005 15:38:39 -0500
From: 	Heesu Hwang <hxh9528 at exchange.uta.edu>
To: 	<magh at lehigh.edu>

Dear, M.V. Galati.

My name is Heesu Hwang, and I am a Ph.D student in IMSE of University of
Texas at Arlington, Texas, USA.
My current research is about generating columns using COIN/BCP.
I came across your example and have tried to run it after compilation.
It has given some results, however didn't show them all, terminating with

"Segmentation fault" message.

I am not good a Unix, but usually I've got that kind of messages when I
used pointers improperly or too much memory spaces.

Attached is the result.
Could you give me some comments on it?


Heesu Hwang.

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