[Coin-bcpdiscuss] Setting the parameters of the cut generators

Brady Hunsaker hunsaker at engr.pitt.edu
Wed Apr 6 10:55:52 EDT 2005

Marco Giorgetta wrote:
> I am using Coin-or, particularly Clp and Cbc, for my master thesis. I am 
> starting to take a look at the parameters of the cut generators; I have 
> not been able to find any guide on how to tune such parameters - if 
> there is any. Is there any guide on the effects of tuning these 
> parameters (such as setMaxPass, setMaxProbe, etc.)?
> Thank you,
> Marco Giorgetta


I'm not aware of any guide to help tune these parameters.  Proprietary 
software companies spend a lot of effort tuning their default parameter 
settings.  I don't think anyone plans to spend that amount of time with 
COIN-OR, so we need to come up with some other approaches.  That's 
actually something I'm looking at right now.

For now, if you have representative instances you wish to solve, then 
you basically just do some tests on those instances with various 
parameters and see what works well.


Brady Hunsaker
Assistant Professor
Industrial Engineering
University of Pittsburgh

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