[Testtools] Accumulating a configuration (nightlyBuild main loop)

Lou Hafer lou at cs.sfu.ca
Thu Jan 15 18:51:48 EST 2009


	JP and I have been exchanging emails about BuildDirSuffix, and he's been
persistent enough to convince me that there's a possibility of accidental
persistence from one build to the next.  I'm testing out a fix (pop the value
from configuration if it's not specified for a given build).  But it seems to me
the problem really lies in the way that the main loop of nightlyBuild assembles
a configuration. We're in nightlyBuild.py.

	Where it says `Define loop invariant configuration values', we
initialise a map (configuration) and a set of sets (configurations).  Prior to
entering the loop on projects, some persistent keys (rootDir,
buildMethod) are set in configuration, to be used by all projects.

	Now we enter the project loop (`Loop once for each project ...').  We
set two more keys, project and `clear previous build', to be used for all builds
of a project. (Arguably, `clear previous build' should be handled as a 
persistent key, since it's initialised from a global variable.)

	Now we enter the build loop, processing the builds specified for the
project. We fill in a whole bunch more keys in configuration. Eventually, we
check to see if configuration is already in configurations. If not, we process 
it (NBbuildConfig.run) and record it in configurations.

	Now, it seems to me that at this point the logical thing to do is clear
configuration back to an empty map and start over to fill in configuration for
the next build, but that doesn't happen.  The consequence is that once a
key:value pair is added to configuration, it persists until explicitly removed
or changed.  This is not safe.  I'd like to propose something a bit different,
but fairly close to what now exists.

	There are three classes of keys in a configuration:  top-level (for all
projects), project-level (for all builds of a project), and build-level (for an
individual build).  Right now, rootDir and buildMethod are handled as top-level,
project and `clear previous build' are handled as project-level, and all the
rest are (or should be) handled as build-level.

	Why not make this explicit, by creating two new variables,
top_configuration and project_configuration.  These get loaded at the places
where top-level and project-level keys are processed now.

	Then, in the inner loop (`for bc in buildConfigs'), the first action
is to clear configuration and load it with the values from top_configuration and 
project_configuration. This should prevent accidental carry-over.

	Documentation and code comments should be updated to reflect the three 
classes of parameters. As an added benefit, the user could override top-level 
and project-level keys in a build configuration, should s/he so desire.
	You guys will regret dragging me into this ...   :-)

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