[Symphony] How to save and re-use cut pools

Amit Partani looto13 at outlook.com
Sun Nov 8 22:23:36 EST 2015

For my research I need to solve multiple modifications of the same problem by adding more constraints to the original problem. This essentially makes the cuts generated in each run useful for further iterations. In the Symphony manual it is mentioned that cut pools can be saved and re-used. I however cannot find any examples on how to do it. I see that there is a function sym_create_permanent_cut_pools and that there is a parameter use_permanent_cut_pools. I tried to call the above mentioned function after solving first problem and then set the parameter to TRUE, but by doing so, I am getting memory faults. Am I using it right? If not any help explaining this will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,Ramta 		 	   		  
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