[Symphony] Stand-alone exe crashes in one particular instance

Pietro Scionti pietro.scionti at archinet.it
Mon Mar 11 06:27:25 EDT 2013

Hi everyone,
in my project I currently use GLPK as the underlying solver, but for various reasons I'm evaluating possible alternatives, so I've just begun studying Symphony 5.4.7, among other packages.
I was testing its performance in some known instances of mine and in one it crashes almost instantly after beginning pre-processing.
The same model is correctly solved to optimality by both GLPK 4.47 and CBC 2.7.8, so I was thinking maybe there is a bug somewhere and someone in the mailing list can find it.
Symphony was passed the model in CPLEX format, but I am attaching the GMPL format instead, since the .LP file is 36 mb big! I converted it using GLPK and its "--check --wlp <filename>" option.

I am using the command-line interface; maybe the APIs don't show the same behaviour, but for now this is way easier, since I don't know C.
I did not set any advanced parameter, just loaded the model and ran.
My environment is Win 7, 64-bit, 8 GB RAM. I downloaded the source code from http://www.coin-or.org/download/source/SYMPHONY, built the VS solution with Visual Studio 2012 Ultimate (it did not say it was supported but I could upgrade and build it without problem), and used the generated MSVisualStudio\v10\Win32\symphony.exe file.

Thank you,


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