[Symphony] Problems when "Num_rows" <= "Num_cols" in SYMPHONY

Alberto Jorrín Rodríguez albejor2002 at hotmail.com
Tue Jan 19 11:58:49 EST 2010

  I am doing some tests with SYMPHONY and I am finding that when I have a problem where the number of constraints is lower than the number of unknown variables, I can not get the solution. For instance:

In the next problem:
minJ = 26.305*x1 + 26.0454*X2
//      Minimize
//       obj: 26.305*x1 + 26.0454*x2
//      Subject To
//       c1:  0.1531*x1 + 26.305*x2  <= -7.78666
//      Bounds
//       0  <= x1 <= 1000000
//       0  <= x2 <= 1000000
//      Integers
//        x1
The code of the problem for SYMPHONY is:
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
   /* Create a SYMPHONY environment */
   sym_environment *env = sym_open_environment();
   int n_cols = 2; //number of columns
   double * objective    = 
      (double *) malloc(sizeof(double) * n_cols);//the objective coefficients
   double * col_lb       = 
      (double *) malloc(sizeof(double) * n_cols);//the column lower bounds
   double * col_ub       = 
      (double *) malloc(sizeof(double) * n_cols);//the column upper bounds
   //Define the objective coefficients.
   objective[0] = 26.305;
   objective[1] = 26.0454;
   //Define the variable lower/upper bounds.
   //   --Bounds   
   col_lb[0] = 0.0;
   col_lb[1] = 0.0;
   col_ub[0] = 1000000;
   col_ub[1] = 1000000;
   int n_rows = 1;
   char * row_sense = 
      (char *) malloc (sizeof(char) * n_rows); //the row senses
   double * row_rhs = 
      (double *) malloc (sizeof(double) * n_rows); //the row right-hand-sides
   double * row_range = NULL; //the row ranges   
   row_sense[0] = 'L';
   row_rhs[0] = -7.78666;
   /* Constraint matrix definitions */
   int non_zeros = 2;
   int * start = (int *) malloc (sizeof(int) * (n_cols + 1)); 
   int * index = (int *) malloc (sizeof(int) * non_zeros);
   double * value = (double *) malloc (sizeof(double) *non_zeros);
   start[0] = 0; 
   start[1] = 1;
   start[2] = 2;
   index[0] = 0;
   index[1] = 1;
   value[0] = 0.1531;
   value[1] = 26.305;
   //define the integer variables
   char * int_vars = (char *) malloc (sizeof(char) * n_cols);
   int_vars[0] = INTEGER;
   int_vars[1] = FALSE;
   //load the problem to environment
   sym_explicit_load_problem(env, n_cols, n_rows, start, index, value, col_lb, 
                       col_ub, int_vars, objective, NULL, row_sense, 
                       row_rhs, row_range, TRUE);
    //solve the integer program
   //get, print the solution
   double * solution = (double *) malloc (sizeof(double) * n_cols);
   double objective_value = 0.0;
   sym_get_col_solution(env, solution);
   sym_get_obj_val(env, &objective_value);
   printf("%s\n%s%f\n%s%f\n%s%f\n","JUEVES The optimal solution is",
        " x0 = ",solution[0],
        " x1 = ",solution[1],
        " with objective value = ",objective_value);
   //free the memory
   if(col_lb)   {free(col_lb);}
   if(col_ub)   {free(col_ub);}
   if(row_rhs)  {free(row_rhs);}
   if(index)    {free(index);}
   if(start)    {free(start);}
   if(value)    {free(value);}
   if(int_vars) {free(int_vars);}
   if(solution) {free(solution);}
   return 0; 
I get the next output:
Out of range 1 1 1 26.305
* Branch and Cut Finished                          *
* Now displaying stats and best solution found...  *
====================== LP/CG Timing =========================
  Total Wallclock Time         0.000
====================== Statistics =========================
Number of created nodes :       1
Number of analyzed nodes:       1
Depth of tree:                  0
Size of the tree:               1
Number of solutions found:      0
Number of solutions in pool:    0
Number of Chains:               1
Number of Diving Halts:         0
Number of cuts in cut pool:     0
======================= LP Solver =========================
Number of times LP solver called:               1
Number of solutions found by LP solve:          0
==================== Feasibility Pump =====================
Number of times feasibility pump called:        0
Number of solutions found by feasibility pump:  0
Time spent in feasibility pump:                 0.00
=========================== Cuts ==========================
total cuts generated:                  0
total gomory cuts generated:           0
total knapsack cuts generated:         0
total oddhole cuts generated:          0
total clique cuts generated:           0
total probing cuts generated:          0
total mir cuts generated:              0
total twomir cuts generated:           0
total flow and cover cuts generated:   0
total rounding cuts generated:         0
total lift and project cuts generated: 0
total landp cuts generated:            0
cuts removed because of bad coeffs:    0
cuts removed because of duplicacy:     0
cuts in root:                          0
gomory cuts in root:                   0
knapsack cuts in root:                 0
oddhole cuts in root:                  0
clique cuts in root:                   0
probing cuts in root:                  0
mir cuts in root:                      0
twomir cuts in root:                   0
flow and cover cuts in root:           0
rounding cuts in root:                 0
lift and project cuts in root:         0
landp cuts in root:                    0
time in cut generation:                0.00
time in gomory cuts:                   0.00
time in knapsack cuts:                 0.00
time in oddhole cuts:                  0.00
time in clique cuts:                   0.00
time in probing cuts:                  0.00
time in mir cuts:                      0.00
time in twomir cuts:                   0.00
time in flow and cover cuts:           0.00
time in rounding cuts:                 0.00
time in lift and project cuts:         0.00
time in landp cuts:                    0.00
time in redsplit cuts:                 0.00
time in checking quality and adding:   0.00
Current Lower Bound:         0.000
The problem is infeasible!
No Solution Found
JUEVES The optimal solution is
 x0 = 0.000000
 x1 = 0.000000
 with objective value = 0.000000”
What is my fault?
Thanks a lot
Alberto Jorrín Rodríguez
Departamento de Ingenieria de Sistemas y Automatica
Dpt.  of Systems Engineering and Automatic Control
Universidad de Valladolid  / University of Valladolid
Address: Facultad de Ciencias, c/ Real de Burgos s/n
47011 Valladolid, Spain
Tel: +34 647 670 581, Fax: +34 983 423161
e-mail: albejor at autom.uva.es
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