[Symphony] Problem adding custom cutting planes

Ashutosh Mahajan asm4 at lehigh.edu
Tue Mar 3 15:32:27 EST 2009

hi richard,

i can confirm that this is a bug in symphony. the way of packing cuts was
changed some time back but the appropriate changes were not made to
cg_add_explicit_cut() function. this bug is present in version
5.2 as well.

i think the quickest way out for you may be to just edit the source file
SYMPHONY/src/CutGen/cg_func.c yourself. you will have to compile symphony
again (and also your application code). here are the differences.

Index: ../../src/CutGen/cg_func.c
--- ../../src/CutGen/cg_func.c  (revision 1588)
+++ ../../src/CutGen/cg_func.c  (working copy)
@@ -188,11 +188,12 @@
    cut->sense = sense;
    cut->rhs = rhs;
    cut->range = range;
-   cut->size = ISIZE + nzcnt * (ISIZE + DSIZE);
+   cut->size = DSIZE + nzcnt * (ISIZE + DSIZE);
    cut->coef = (char *) malloc (cut->size);
+   ((double *) cut->coef)[0] = 0; /* important to zero out */
    ((int *) cut->coef)[0] = nzcnt;
-   memcpy(cut->coef + ISIZE, (char *)indices, nzcnt*ISIZE);
-   memcpy(cut->coef + (nzcnt + 1) * ISIZE, (char *)values, nzcnt * DSIZE);
+   memcpy(cut->coef + DSIZE, (char *)values, nzcnt*DSIZE);
+   memcpy(cut->coef + (nzcnt + 1) * DSIZE, (char *)indices, nzcnt * ISIZE);
    cut->branch = DO_NOT_BRANCH_ON_THIS_ROW;
    cut->deletable = TRUE;
    cut->name = send_to_cp ? CUT__SEND_TO_CP : CUT__DO_NOT_SEND_TO_CP;

let me know if you run into further problems. Thanks for catching this bug!
hopefully we will fix it soon.


On Tue, 03 Mar 2009, Richard Russell wrote:

> Hi Ashutosh,
> I'm using SYMPHONY 5.1.10. Thank you for having a look at this.
> Regards,
> Richard
> Ashutosh Mahajan wrote:
>> hi richard,
>> what version of symphony are you using? i will take a look to see if symphony
>> is removing or not accepting the cuts for some reason.
>> regards
>> ashutosh
>> On Tue, 03 Mar 2009, Richard Russell wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm having problems generating custom cutting planes. I am 
>>> identifying and attempting to add sensible cuts but they don't seem 
>>> to be respected by the LP solver, i.e. they are violated in 
>>> subsequent LP solutions. This has the result that the program just 
>>> loops adding the same cut.
>>> The problem I'm working on has a collection of constraints that are  
>>> represented explicitly in the constraint matrix. However there are 
>>> some constraints that are too numerous to exhaustively list in the 
>>> constraint matrix so I would like to add them dynamically as cuts.
>>> I am working with the USER function stubs in SYMPHONY/Applications 
>>> and I have modified:
>>> (1) user_find_cuts in the file 'user_cg.c'
>>> (2) user_is_feasible in the file 'user_lp.c'
>>> A description of what each function is doing:
>>> (1) user_find_cuts first checks that the solution passed to it is  
>>> integer. If it isn't it lets SYMPHONY return it's default behaviour  
>>> without generating any cuts. If it is integer it then look for cycles 
>>> in a graph constructed from the solution. The graph has a node for 
>>> each variable that is set to 1.0 in the solution. These nodes are 
>>> related in the problem and have directed arcs between them. If a 
>>> cycle exists in the graph constructed from the solution then a cut 
>>> needs to be added to prevent this cycle. This is done for each cycle 
>>> by adding a cut of the form:
>>>  var_1 + ... + var_n <= (n-1)   for every cycle in the graph where 
>>> var_1 to var_n are the nodes in the cycle.
>>> So at least one of var_1 to var_n must be set to 0.0 in order for the 
>>> constraint to hold. This way the cycle is prevented.
>>> (2) user_is_feasible checks that the solution is integer. If it isn't 
>>> it returns infeasible. If it is integer it checks that there are no 
>>> cycles in the graph constructed from the solution. If a cycle is 
>>> found it returns infeasible. If no cycles are found it returns 
>>> feasible.
>>> Here is most of the code, I have omitted some tedious initialisations 
>>> of arrays and such.
>>> ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>>> int user_find_cuts(void *user, int varnum, int iter_num, int level,
>>>            int index, double objval, int *indices, double *values,
>>>            double ub, double etol, int *num_cuts, int *alloc_cuts,
>>>            cut_data ***cuts)
>>> {
>>>   user_problem *prob = (user_problem *) user;
>>>   int a,k,t,i;
>>>   int horizon;
>>>   int result;
>>>   SASPtr sasptr;
>>>   IPGraphPtr ipgraphptr;
>>>   List<IPNodePtr>** cyclelist;
>>>   int *nrcycles;
>>>   // Cut related variables
>>>   int nzcnt;
>>>   int *cut_indices;
>>>   double *cut_values;
>>>   double rhs;
>>>   bool integer = true;
>>>    // Debug information
>>>   printf("Entering cut generating routine.\n");
>>>   printf("Node details:\n");
>>>   printf("Index = %d\n", index);
>>>   printf("Level = %d\n", level);
>>>   printf("Iter  = %d\n", iter_num);
>>>   // Initialise cycle data structures (Code omitted)
>>>   sasptr = prob->solverPtr->GetSASPtr();
>>>   horizon = prob->solverPtr->GetHorizon();
>>>   // Initialise vars[a][k][t] array (code omitted)
>>>   // Construct full 0-1 solution from non-zero encoding
>>>   for(t=0; t<horizon; t++) {
>>>     for(a=0; a<sasptr->GetNrActions(); a++) {
>>>       for(k=0; k<sasptr->GetNrActionProfiles(a); k++) {
>>>         vars[a][k][t] = 0.0;
>>>         for (i=0; i<varnum; i++) {
>>>           if (indices[i] == prob->solverPtr->mX[a][k][t].getID()) {
>>>             printf("%d = %e\n", indices[i], values[i]);
>>>             vars[a][k][t] = values[i];
>>>                    if ( fabs(values[i]-1.0) > 0.001 ) {
>>>               integer = false;
>>>             }
>>>             break;
>>>           }
>>>         }
>>>       }
>>>     }
>>>   }
>>>   // If not an integer solution then don't generate cuts
>>>   if (!integer) {
>>>     printf("LP solution not integer, do not generate cuts.\n");
>>>     return (USER_DEFAULT);
>>>   }
>>>   // Count number of cycles for each time step
>>>   printf("Checking for cycles in cut generation...\n");
>>>   for(t=0; t<horizon; t++) {
>>>     ipgraphptr = prob->solverPtr->GetIPGraph(t, vars);
>>>     // Returns number of cycles and stores cycles in cyclelist[t] parameter
>>>     nrcycles[t] = ipgraphptr->GetIntegralCycles(cyclelist[t], MAXCYCLES);
>>>        printf("Time step = %d, Number of cycles = %d\n", t, 
>>> nrcycles[t]);
>>>   }
>>>   int cut_count = 0;
>>>   for(t=0; t<horizon; t++) {
>>>     for(i=0; (i<MAXCYCLES) && (cyclelist[t][i].GetSize()>0); i++) {
>>>       nzcnt = 0;
>>>       cut_indices = new int[cyclelist[t][i].GetSize()];
>>>       cut_values  = new double[cyclelist[t][i].GetSize()];
>>>       printf("Adding following cut:\n");
>>>       ListIterator<IPNode*> iter(cyclelist[t][i]);
>>>       for(iter.GotoBegin(); !iter.AtEnd(); iter.GotoNext()) {
>>>         a = IPNodePtr(iter.GetElement())->GetA();
>>>         k = IPNodePtr(iter.GetElement())->GetK();
>>>         t = IPNodePtr(iter.GetElement())->GetT();
>>>            cut_indices[nzcnt] = prob->solverPtr->mX[a][k][t].getID();
>>>         cut_values[nzcnt] = 1.0;
>>>               // Output debug information: the cut being generated
>>>         printf("%e*%d + ",cut_values[nzcnt], cut_indices[nzcnt]);
>>>         nzcnt++;
>>>       }
>>>       rhs = ((double)nzcnt) - 1.0;
>>>       // Output debug information: rhs
>>>       printf("<= %e\n", rhs);
>>>            result = cg_add_explicit_cut(nzcnt, cut_indices, 
>>> cut_values, rhs, 0.0,
>>>                        'L', TRUE, num_cuts, alloc_cuts, cuts);
>>>       if ( result != 1 ) {
>>>         printf("WARNING: Cuts not being generated.\n");
>>>       }
>>>       else {
>>>         cut_count++;
>>>       }      }
>>>   }
>>>    if (cut_count > 0)
>>>     return (USER_SUCCESS);
>>>   return (USER_DEFAULT);
>>> }
>>> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>>> int user_is_feasible(void *user, double lpetol, int varnum, int *indices,
>>>              double *values, int *feasible, double *objval,
>>>              char branching, double *heur_solution)
>>> {
>>>   user_problem *prob = (user_problem *) user;
>>>   int a,k,t,i,j;
>>>   int size, sum;
>>>   int horizon;
>>>   SASPtr sasptr;
>>>   IPGraphPtr ipgraphptr;
>>>   List<IPNodePtr>** cyclelist;
>>>   int *nrcycles;
>>>   // Cut related variables
>>>   bool integer = true;
>>>    printf("Entering user_is_feasible function.\n");
>>>   // Initialise cycle data structures (code omitted)
>>>   sasptr = prob->solverPtr->GetSASPtr();
>>>   horizon = prob->solverPtr->GetHorizon();
>>>   // Initialise vars[a][k][t] array (Code omitted)
>>>   // Construct full 0-1 solution from non-zero encoding
>>>   for(t=0; t<horizon; t++) {
>>>     for(a=0; a<sasptr->GetNrActions(); a++) {
>>>       for(k=0; k<sasptr->GetNrActionProfiles(a); k++) {
>>>         vars[a][k][t] = 0.0;
>>>         for (i=0; i<varnum; i++) {
>>>           if (indices[i] == prob->solverPtr->mX[a][k][t].getID()) {
>>>             printf("%d = %e\n", indices[i], values[i]);
>>>             vars[a][k][t] = 1.0;
>>>             if ( fabs(values[i] - 1.0) > lpetol) {
>>>               integer = false;
>>>             }
>>>             break;
>>>           }
>>>         }
>>>       }
>>>     }
>>>   }
>>>   // First check that the solution is integer
>>>   if (!integer) {
>>>     printf("INFEASIBLE: Not integer.\n");
>>>     *feasible = IP_INFEASIBLE;
>>>     return (USER_SUCCESS);
>>>   }
>>>   printf("Checking for cycles...\n");
>>>   bool violated_cycles = false;
>>>   // Count the  number of cycles for each time step
>>>   for(t=0; t<horizon; t++) {
>>>     ipgraphptr = prob->solverPtr->GetIPGraph(t, vars);
>>>        nrcycles[t] = ipgraphptr->GetIntegralCycles(cyclelist[t], 
>>>     if (nrcycles[t] > 0) {
>>>       violated_cycles = true;
>>>     }
>>>     // Output debug information
>>>     printf("Time step = %d, Number of cycles = %d\n", t, nrcycles[t]);
>>>   }
>>>   // If cycles have been found output the corresponding violated constraint
>>>   if( violated_cycles ) {
>>>     printf("INFEASIBLE: Violated cycle constraint.\n");
>>>     printf("Found the following violated cycles:\n");
>>>      for(t=0;t<horizon;t++) {
>>>       for (i=0; (i<MAXCYCLES) && (cyclelist[t][i].GetSize()>0); i++) {
>>>         sum  = 0;
>>>         size = 0;
>>>         ListIterator<IPNode*> iter(cyclelist[t][i]);
>>>         for (iter.GotoBegin(); !iter.AtEnd(); iter.GotoNext()) {
>>>           a = IPNodePtr(iter.GetElement())->GetA();
>>>           k = IPNodePtr(iter.GetElement())->GetK();
>>>           t = IPNodePtr(iter.GetElement())->GetT();
>>>                printf("%e*%d +", vars[a][k][t],
>>>              prob->solverPtr->mX[a][k][t].getID());
>>>           size++;
>>>         }
>>>            printf("<= %d\n", size-1);
>>>       }
>>>     }
>>>     // Return infeasible solution
>>>     *feasible = IP_INFEASIBLE;
>>>     return (USER_SUCCESS);
>>>   }
>>>   else {
>>>     // Integer and no cycles so solution is feasible
>>>     *feasible = IP_FEASIBLE;
>>>     return (USER_SUCCESS);
>>>   }
>>> }
>>> Running the above code, here is a sample of the output I get:
>>> Entering user_is_feasible function.
>>> 74 = 1.000000e+00
>>> 116 = 1.000000e+00
>>> 99 = 1.000000e+00
>>> 131 = 1.000000e+00
>>> Checking for cycles...
>>> Time step = 0, Number of cycles = 1
>>> Time step = 1, Number of cycles = 0
>>> INFEASIBLE: Violated cycle constraint.
>>> Found the following violated cycles:
>>> 1.000000e+00*116 +1.000000e+00*74 +<= 1
>>> Entering cut generating routine.
>>> Node details:
>>> Index = 2
>>> Level = 1
>>> Iter  = 142
>>> 74 = 1.000000e+00
>>> 116 = 1.000000e+00
>>> 99 = 1.000000e+00
>>> 131 = 1.000000e+00
>>> Checking for cycles in cut generation...
>>> Time step = 0, Number of cycles = 1
>>> Time step = 1, Number of cycles = 0
>>> Adding following cut:
>>> 1.000000e+00*116 + 1.000000e+00*74 + <= 1.000000e+00
>>> Entering user_is_feasible function.
>>> 74 = 1.000000e+00
>>> 116 = 1.000000e+00
>>> 99 = 1.000000e+00
>>> 131 = 1.000000e+00
>>> Checking for cycles...
>>> Time step = 0, Number of cycles = 1
>>> Time step = 1, Number of cycles = 0
>>> INFEASIBLE: Violated cycle constraint.
>>> Found the following violated cycles:
>>> 1.000000e+00*116 +1.000000e+00*74 +<= 1
>>> This just continues repeating with node index and level remaining  
>>> unchanged and the iteration number increasing.
>>> Adding the cut should prohibit variable #74 and #116 being  
>>> simultaneously set to 1.0 but the cut doesn't seem to have any 
>>> effect.
>>> Does anybody notice anything I haven't done that I should or have any 
>>> suggestions for things I could try?
>>> I would be very grateful for any help anyone could offer.
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Richard
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>> --
>> regards
>> Ashutosh Mahajan
>> http://coral.ie.lehigh.edu/~asm4
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Ashutosh Mahajan

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