[Symphony] Question of using Symphony lib in VC++ MFC application

James Pang pangyan at gmail.com
Tue Feb 19 22:41:46 EST 2008

Dear all:

I used Visual Studio 2005 MFC application to generate a user interface and
the Symphony lib to solve a MILP model. I included "symphony.h" in the C++
file and used "sym_environment *env = sym_open_environment()" to generate a
symphony environment in C++ file. But duing building the project, there is
error showed "Error 12 error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol
_sym_open_environment referenced in function "protected: __thiscall
CProductionSchedulingSystemDoc::CProductionSchedulingSystemDoc(void)" (
??0CProductionSchedulingSystemDoc@@IAE at XZ) Production Scheduling

I have checked the lib path, it seems no problem. And not sure what's the
other reasons cause this problem. Can anyone give some hints? If you have an
example to implement Symphony lib in a MFC application, that will be nice.

Thanks in advance

best regards
James Pang
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