[Coin-symphony] SYMPHONY News

Ted Ralphs tkralphs at lehigh.edu
Fri Feb 11 18:08:13 EST 2005

This e-mail is to officially (and belatedly :)) announce that the 
SYMPHONY MIP solver framework is now part of the COIN-OR repository. The 
latest source code can be downloaded from the COIN-OR CVS server. 
Information on SYMPHONY and its features is available at the SYMPHONY 
home page:


Thanks to those who have already downloaded the source from CVS and have 
provided feedback.

A mailing list has been created on COIN-OR to host discussions about 
SYMPHONY. All future announcements regarding SYMPHONY will be posted 
there. To subscribe, please go to



For those who currently have SYMPHONY checked out from CVS or have
recently downloaded a tarball (or plan to do so in the next week or so):
The SYMPHONY directory structure is about to undergo a little change. 
This will consist of moving some directories around in order to make it 
easier to navigate. This will require some updating to local copies to 
mirror the changes in the repository if you want to continue to use your 
currently checked out version (with whatever local modifications have 
been made). When the move occurs, I will publish detailed migration 
instructions. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns 
with this upcoming reorganization. Have a great weekend.


Dr. Ted Ralphs
Assistant Professor
Industrial and Systems Engineering
Lehigh University
tkralphs at lehigh.edu

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