[Symphony-tickets] [SYMPHONY] #121: wrong optimum with bdver1 or bdver2 options

SYMPHONY coin-trac at coin-or.org
Mon Aug 5 19:56:08 EDT 2013

#121: wrong optimum with bdver1 or bdver2 options
 Reporter:  charlesBrixko  |      Owner:  tkr
     Type:  defect         |     Status:  new
 Priority:  normal         |  Milestone:
Component:  Not Sure       |    Version:  5.5.0
 Keywords:                 |
 I tested the file "newdano.mps" from MIPLIB2010 on Fedora 19 64 bits with
 gcc 4.8.1.
 The correct optimal is 65.666667
 With Symphony-5.5.0 compiled without environment variable definition, the
 correct optimum is found in 23159 sec. on a 8350.
 With Symphony-5.5.0 compiled with ADD_CFLAGS="-march=bdver2" and
 ADD_CXXFLAGS="-march=bdver2", SYMPHONY-5.5.0 finds 66.272727 in 2335 sec.
 on a 8350.
 With Symphony-5.5.0 compiled with ADD_CFLAGS="-march=bdver1" and
 ADD_CXXFLAGS="-march=bdver1", SYMPHONY-5.5.0 finds 66.272727 in 2676 sec.
 on a 8150.
 When giving a wrong value, I noticed that the Lower Bound goes higher than
 the correct optimum earlier than the end.

Ticket URL: <https://projects.coin-or.org/SYMPHONY/ticket/121>
SYMPHONY <http://projects.coin-or.org/SYMPHONY>
The SYMPHONY framework for parallel branch-and-cut algorithms.

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