[Project-managers] Three changes for the new year!

Ted Ralphs ted at lehigh.edu
Fri Jan 1 17:00:51 EST 2021

Dear COIN-OR project managers,

Happy new year! I wanted to make you aware of three recent changes that may
or may not affect your projects.

   - The Travis builds now take place on travis-ci.com rather than
   travis-ci.org (see
   https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/migrate/open-source-on-travis-ci-com/ for
   an explanation). I have migrated all projects and you might not even notice
   the change unless you have a badge in your README or a hard-coded URL that
   points to travis-ci.org. For the projects in the COIN-OR optimization
   suite, I plan to eventually modify all the READMEs as part of an overall
   - The Appveyor builds have also moved from my personal Appveyor
   account ("tkralphs") to a COIN-OR organization account ("coin-or")., so you
   can find, e.g., Cbc builds at https://ci.appveyor.com/project/coin-or/cbc
   - We have decided to retire the old Mailman mailing lists in favor of
   the newly launched Github Discussions. If you have not already done so,
   please enable Discussions for your project (this can be done in the
   settings) and announce to the members of your list that we'll eventually be
   retiring the mailing lists. It will probably be some time before the lists
   are actually retired. We are currently looking at options for permanent
   archiving of the old lists. After the lists are disabled, we hope to leave
   in place a reflector directing anyone who happens to mail the list to try
   Github Discussion instead.

Let me know if you have any questions. Best wishes for a productive, happy,
and safe 2021!


Dr. Ted Ralphs
Professor, Industrial and Systems Engineering
Lehigh University
(610) 628-1280
ted 'at' lehigh 'dot' edu
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