[Project-managers] Move to github (please read!)

Ted Ralphs ted at lehigh.edu
Thu Oct 25 15:28:36 EDT 2018

Hi all,

This e-mail is long overdue and will be followed up by additional ones, as
needed, providing more details. The TLDR is that we are planning, over the
next weeks/months, to move all projects to Github. The TRAC sites will
eventually be shut down after the moves are complete, while the subversion
repositories will be left in place (but unsearchable by Google) for the
time being. In addition, we'll also be migrating the mailing lists from the
current Mailman set up to Google Groups. This was discussed in detail at
the COIN-OR workshop at IMA last week. Slides that were presented are
Lectures 2 and 3 available here:


Videos of the presentation are also available here:


The most important implication of this move is that we will switch from
using subversion to using git for repository management. This move should
not be a big surprise and is the inevitable result of the way the world is
moving. Git and Github have some major advantages over the way we have been
doing project management up until now and all recently added projects are
already managed with git.

I will offer some Webinars on how to move from subversion to git, as well
as other assorted topics related to project management using Github if
there is interest.

To make the move, the first step will be to mirror the existing subversion
repositories to Github. This has already been done for the projects in the
Optimization Suite (and a few others). See


If your project has already been mirrored to Github, you can ignore the
rest of this e-mail

For the remaining projects, I need to know three things:

1. The e-mail address of any contributor to your project. Please provide
this is the form of a list of subversion user id's and associated e-mail
addresses. This is how the mirroring software will figure out who to
attribute commits to in git (which uses e-mail addresses instead of user
id's). If this information is unknown, provide as much information as you

2. Some idea of how to map your subversion repo into git. If you use the
standard setup of
then 'trunk' will be mapped to the git 'master' branch; any subdirectories
in 'stable' will be mapped to git branches with names of the form
'stable/x.y' (assuming that you are using the standard semantic versioning
scheme); and any point releases in 'releases' will be mapped to git tags.
Additionally, subversion branches and tags will be mapped to git branches
and tags.

3. What timeline you would be comfortable with for making the move. We can
mirror things dynamically for some time (commits made to subversion will be
automatically mirrored to Girthub) to give you time to acclimate.

That's it for now. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns
and also whether you would be interested in a Webinar to make the move


Dr. Ted Ralphs
Professor, Industrial and Systems Engineering
Lehigh University
(610) 628-1280
ted 'at' lehigh 'dot' edu
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