[Project-managers] Git hub mirroring

Ted Ralphs ted at lehigh.edu
Sun Jan 4 14:24:28 EST 2015

Dear project managers,

Happy new year! I've now finally managed to get automatic mirroring of many
of the COIN projects to github working. You can see the result here:


Any commit to the subversion repos on COIN should be automatically mirrored
to github within about 10 minutes (this needs to be set up again manually
when the server gets rebooted, though, so if you notice that it's not
working, please let me know).

There are still a lot of questions to be answered about how this is going
to work in the long run. At the moment, there is no easy way to check out
and build a project including all dependencies, as there is on SVN, because
git lacks a notion of externals. There are a couple of possible solutions
to this that we are discussing.

After looking into it a little more deeply, it seems that two way mirroring
will be difficult for a lot of reasons. github and svn encourage very
different workflows and keeping things aligned when using both of them for
commits would be difficult. It can be done, but requires strict discipline
and also restricts you from doing certain things on git that you would
naturally want to do, which makes the use of git a bit pointless anyway.
For now, I am considering these github mirrors to be just that---static
mirrors from svn. You should continue to just commit to svn as usual. If
you happen to get pull requests on github, my suggestion would be to turn
that pull request into a patch and apply it to svn.

If your project is not one of the ones currently mirrored and you would
like it to be, please let me know. There is a bit of manual configuration
involved at first and I will need some information from you about how you
want things mirrored.

Thanks for your help with this. I think it is a good move for COIN-OR to be
on github and I hope it creates more publicity for all of you.


Dr. Ted Ralphs
Professor, Lehigh University
(610) 628-1280
ted 'at' lehigh 'dot' edu
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