[Project-managers] turn off windows popups in failing unit tests

Stefan Vigerske stefan at math.hu-berlin.de
Wed May 28 04:40:10 EDT 2008


from time to time, a unit tests are crashing. In Windows, this often 
results in a popup window which the user is then expected to click away.
This behaviour is especially annoying when one wants to run nightly 
tests of COIN-OR projects, since these popups block the whole process of 
fetching-building-testing projects.

Therefore, I would like to suggest to add some lines of code to the 
beginning of each unit test program that turns off these popups.
The necessary function call would be
for which windows.h need to be included.

However, since this presumes that windows.h is present on the system, 
which is not the case for every windows system, a proper way should be 
to check for windows.h in the configure script, i.e., one would add
to configure.ac (note that it is HEADERS, not HEADER), and

#include <windows.h>


int main(...) {

I would appreciate if some project managers could try these 
modifications in the trunk versions of their projects. :-)
The nightly build scripts are currently testing
CoinUtils, Clp, Osi, DyLP, SYMPHONY, Vol, Cgl, Cbc, Smi, FlopC++, Ipopt, 
Bonmin, OS, CppAD, CoinAll, LaGO, GAMSlinks.

Thank you,

Stefan Vigerske
Humboldt University Berlin, Numerical Mathematics

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