[Project-managers] MSVisualStudio project deprecated

J P Fasano jpfasano at us.ibm.com
Tue Aug 21 14:42:46 EDT 2007

Coin Project Managers,

   Recently some changes have been made to the MSVisualStudio files used by
   CoinUtils, Clp, Osi, Cbc, Cgl, FlopCpp that some project managers might
   like to know about.

   The changes are:

      1. The entire MSVisualStudio project has been deprecated and will
      no longer be maintained as a separate project.  The MSVisualStudio
      files will now be maintained in the projects CoinUtils, Clp,
      Osi, Cbc, Cgl & FlopCpp.

      2. For the current trunk versions of the projects CoinUtils, Clp,
      Osi, Cbc, Cgl & FlopCpp, the *.sln, *.vcproj, *.dsw, & *.dsp files
      have been moved from MSVisualStudio into the project .  This means a
      projects no longer has an external to MSVisualStudio to obtain the
      *.sln, *.vcproj, *.dsw, & *.dsp files for CoinUtils, Clp, Osi, Cbc,
      Cgl & FlopCpp.

      2. The location of the MSVisualStudio directory have been moved down
      one level in the tree hiearchy. The locations are listed at

   If you have any questions, please let me know.


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