[Osi] OsiGrb assertion failed
Stefan Vigerske
stefan at math.hu-berlin.de
Fri Jan 17 06:40:07 EST 2014
thanks for the bugreport.
I agree that coltype_ should not be just deleted there, but it may need
to be updated.
It works fine if you remove only last columns, but if one removes some
in the middle, the holes need to be filled with values from later positions.
Can you try if the attached patch also works for you?
On 01/17/2014 11:00 AM, Murilo Reolon Scuzziato wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using the OsiSolverGrbInterface and some unexpected things are
> happened.
> When I use the method deleteCols() and after that I use the method
> addCol(), I got
> Assertion failed: minsize == 0 || coltype_ != NULL,
> file OsiGrbSolverInterface.cpp, line 187
> This is because minsize > 0 and coltype_ == NULL, which in turn is due to
> the fact that in
> OsiGrbSolverInterface::deleteCols(const int num, const int * columnIndices)
> at lines 2437 to 2441 the following piece of code
> if( coltype_ )
> {
> delete[] coltype_;
> coltype_ = NULL;
> }
> deletes it. Although I cannot be sure, it seems to me that code is wrong,
> as coltype_ should only be deleted when *the last column* is deleted,
> leaving an empty problem; however, this is not the case.
> Indeed, commenting out these lines the code works well in my application
> (as checked by comparing with OsiCpx).
> I thought you may want to know. Maybe I'm wrong, and in this case I'd
> really appreciate if you could give me a hint about why the error may
> occur, but in the odd chance I'm right you may want to correct the issue.
> If you need further details about how the assert() is produced I'll be
> happy to provide them.
> Regards,
> Murilo
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