[Osi] workaround for 64-bit MSVC 2010
Stefan Vigerske
stefan at math.hu-berlin.de
Sat Feb 2 10:17:19 EST 2013
thanks, also other compilers took long to compile this and I had it on
my list to fix it some day.
I've applied your patch in Osi/trunk and it should make it to upcoming
Thanks again,
On 02/01/2013 02:19 AM, victor.zverovich at gmail.com wrote:
> Hi,
> Please find attached a patch that fixes a compilation issue with 64-bit
> (amd64) Visual C++ 2010. The problem is that compilation
> of OsiClpSolverInterfaceTest.cpp takes very long possibly never completes
> (I interrupted it after 20 minutes.) It seems that the
> function OsiClpSolverInterfaceUnitTest after macro expansion becomes too
> big for MSVC to handle. The problem only affects an optimized build. This
> is obviously a compiler bug, but I haven't found any workaround. Updating
> the compiler to SP1 doesn't help.
> The proposed patch fixes the issue by moving most of the code from a macro
> to a helper function OsiUnitTestAssertSeverityExpected thus making
> OsiClpSolverInterfaceUnitTest less complex.
> Best regards,
> Victor
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