[Osi] [Clp] OsiClp causes crash when deleting OsiCLPSolverInterface. Reason: borrowModel?
John Forrest
john.forrest at fastercoin.com
Tue Oct 26 09:01:35 EDT 2010
CBC 2.1 is rather old.
Try going to a newer version of Cbc (2.3 onwards) (for a newer version
of OsiClpSolverInterface.cpp). Then you can add
to your code.
That should not do the borrowModel which will save you memory and should
also fix bad pointer problem.
If you need to stay with Cbc 2.1 then I have modified
OsiClpSolverInterface.cpp so setSpecialOptions should work.
John Forrest
On Mon, 2010-10-25 at 16:25 +0200, Torsten Fahle wrote:
> Hi there,
> we found a problem with some large LP-Model that is transferred to CLP via Osi-Interface.
> The problems occurs with Clp, Osi, Coin from the CBC 2.1.0 distribution.
> We use an OsiClpSolverInterface, create a model and solve it via initialSolve.
> During initialSolve, some memory allocation fails and a bad_alloc exception is
> thrown which we catch in our application.
> At that moment, however, our OsiClpSolverInterface object is corrupt so that calling delete on that
> object causes an "Access vialotaion" followed by an application crash.
> OsiClpSolveInterface mySolver = new OsiClpSolverInterface;
> [...]
> [generate CoinModel myModel]
> mySolver->loadFromCoinModel(myModel);
> try {
> mySolver->initialSolve();
> }
> catch (bad_alloc)
> {
> cout << "Bad Alloc" << endl;
> }
> [...]
> delete mySolver; // <<<==== ACCESS VIOLATION, because ModelPtr->clpMatrix is invalid
> After some deeper look into what's happening the reason seems to be the
> borrwoModel/returnModel mechanism:
> The OsiClpSolverInterface holds a modelPtr can contains (among others) our clp-matrix.
> When calling OsiClpSolverInterface->initialSolve() [OsiClpSolverInterface.cpp, l. 48]
> a ClpSimplex object named solver is created [OsiClpSolverInterface.cpp, l. 50]
> that borrows the modelPtr [OsiClpSolverInterface.cpp, l. 52].
> In [OsiClpSolverInterface.cpp, l. 162] ClpPresolve is prepared and called.
> During that call, presolve fails to allocate memory in [CoinPresolveImpliedFree.cpp, l. 521],
> called from [ClpPresolve.cpp 546].
> Now, a bad_alloc exception is thrown and all objects on the call stack are destroyed up to the
> try/catch block in our application. During that unwinding and cleaning, also the borrowed modelPtr
> is deleted although not owned by solver.
> Because the ecxeption causes an immediate unrolling of the call stack "returnModel" is not called.
> When our application later on tries to delete the correctly allocated OsiClpSolverInterface, the destructor
> tries to delete the modelPtr and that causes the "access violation" described above.
> Question:
> Would it be possible to make the borrowModel/returnModel mechanism more robust?
> E.g. borrowModel could also set a bool indicating that the model is only borrowed, and a destructor
> triggered e.g. by the exception cleanup could check first whether that model is owned or borrowed.
> Thanks
> Torsten
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