[Osi] OsiClp getBasics

Matthew Galati magh at lehigh.edu
Wed Sep 9 16:26:45 EDT 2009

Hi - it seems that enableSimplexInterface must be set to use getBasics().
The user should get some kind of error message telling them to do this in
order to use getBasics.

Alternatively, Laci told me that one can also get the basis header from
getWarmStart - which does not need enableSimplexInterface. This worked for
me. Can we change the OsiClp API so that getBasics does this for the user
when enableSimplexInterface is not set? i.e., getWarmStart and then get
header information from that?


I am using OsiClp in a normal manner. Load problem, solve, add some columns,
> resolve, etc... Periodically, I want to get the basis header. I get the
> following assertion failure. Do I need to do something special to get
> basics? There is no error message, just a failed assertion.
> decomp_gap: ../../../../Osi/src/OsiClp/OsiClpSolverInterface.cpp:6071:
> virtual void OsiClpSolverInterface::getBasics(int*) const: Assertion
> `modelPtr_->pivotVariable()' failed.
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