[OS] COIN-OS command line arguments

Mike Steglich mike.steglich at berlin.de
Mon Feb 6 08:13:46 EST 2012


I found an interesting behavior of the OSSolverService command line arguments when I use brackets for embedding file names. 

Please imagine a folder ./test that contains a OSiL file diet.osil. 

The following command works well:

OSSolverService -osil "test/diet.osil" -osrl "test/diet.osrl" -serviceMethod solve

If I write the 3 command line arguments into a config file diet.cFconf:
-osil "test/diet.osil"
-osrl "test/diet.osrl"
-serviceMethod solve

and execute OSSolverService via
OSSolverService -config diet.cFconf 

then I get the following error:

Optimization Services Solver
Main Authors: Horand Gassmann, Jun Ma, and Kipp Martin
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License
OS Version: 2.4.2
Build Date: Jan 29 2012
SVN Version: 4442

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'ErrorClass'
Abort trap

If I do not use brackets for the file names: 
-osil test/diet.osil
-osrl test/diet.osrl
-serviceMethod solve
then the problem does not occur. 

I tested it also with v.2.3.5 and I got the same problem.



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