[OS] Java, Java Tools and OS services

Kipp Martin kipp.martin at chicagogsb.edu
Thu Apr 24 14:59:43 EDT 2008

Hi Greg:

> What I didn't see from the code is whether there is a way (via Java
> and the executable) to stop computations at in intermediate point
> (e.g. I'm using MILP solvers such as CBC and sometimes just happy to
> grab a feasible or improved solution).  What files should I look at
> for this?

We have not yet implemented a C++ OSOptions class for passing options to 
the Solver.  Here are two things that are possible.

1) Some solvers such as Ipopt read an options file. You can simply put 
this options file in the directory where the OSSolverService is being 

2) If there are options you wish to give a COIN-OR solver you can edit 
OS/src/OSSolverInterfaces.cpp.  For example, for Cbc if you are using 
trunk revision 1737 see line 307

CbcModel model( *m_OsiSolverPre);

you can then use the model object to set an Cbc options you wish. Of 
course you will have to recompile the OS lib and then link again with 
> If I can pull this stuff together, I'll try to put together a tutorial
> for newbies on using Java and OS particularly locally.

Just so there is no confusion, when using OS locally there is no need 
for Java. You just use the command line executable OSSolverService. 
There are illustrations of this in the User's Manual.  See


in OS/doc

Hope this helps. Let me know if you have further questions.


Kipp Martin
Professor of Operations Research
and Computing Technology
Graduate School of Business
University of Chicago
5807 South Woodlawn Avenue
Chicago, IL 60637
kipp.martin at chicagogsb.edu

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