[Os-project-managers] phone meeting

R. Kipp Martin kmartin at chicagobooth.edu
Thu May 19 20:16:07 EDT 2011

Hi Gus:
> I do not know how well this scales. You will have to match variables by
> their name, which is probably time consuming, and what if you do not
> have names?

I actually assume they are in matrix order and don't use the names. I am 
not too worried about scaling in Option files.

> I would have thought that the following should work better:
> <variables numberOfOtherOptions="1">
> <other numberVar="..." name="cost" solver="routeSolver" type="double">
> <var idx="0" name="H01a.H02a" value="100"/>
> ...

Yes, I have also done similar to the above in another application.  Yet 
another option (no pun intended) is to point to a data file and that 
also works well.

             <solverOption name="input_file_path" solver="bcp"
                 type="string" value="../../../../../../../data/"/>

I think that we can handle arrays without additional machinery.


Kipp Martin
Professor of Operations Research
and Computing Technology
Booth School of Business
University of Chicago
5807 South Woodlawn Avenue
Chicago, IL 60637
kmartin at chicagobooth.edu

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