[MsVisualStudio] CLP from Compaq Visual Fortran 6.6

Jose Luis Ceciliano Meza jlcm at iie.org.mx
Tue Nov 27 12:29:28 EST 2007

Recently I have tried to create a Fortran interface to use CLP from
Visual Fortran. I am trying to use some advise from Matthew Saltzman,
and some experience that I have on using Lindo and CPLEX with the same
purpose. However, I am having some trouble. I would like to show you
what I have done and where my problem is in order to get some help from
1. I have created a CLP_interface like this:
      MODULE clp_ifaces
!  Interfaces to the CLP Version 6.0 functions  for use
!   with Compaq Visual Fortran 6.6 (CVF) 
!  Written By:  Jose L. Ceciliano                    On:  20 Nov 2007
!  Allow no implicit declarations
      implicit none
!  CLP functions' interfaces
!     Load the problem
      function Clp_loadProblem( model,  numcols, numrows, start, & 
     &                          column, valuem, collb, colub, obj, &
  &                         rowlb, rowub)
!DEC$ ATTRIBUTES stdcall, alias:'_Clp_loadProblem at 48' :: Clp_loadProblem
!DEC$ ATTRIBUTES value :: numcols, numrows
!DEC$ ATTRIBUTES reference :: start, column, valuem, collb
!DEC$ ATTRIBUTES reference :: colub, obj, rowlb, rowub, model
      use symtypes
      integer(IL) :: Clp_loadProblem
      integer(IL), intent(in) :: numcols, numrows
      integer(IL), intent(in) :: start(*), column(*)
      real(RD), intent(in) :: valuem(*), collb(*), colub(*)
      real(RD), intent(in) :: obj(*), rowlb(*), rowub(*)
      character(15), intent(in) :: model
      end function Clp_loadProblem
!     Read an mps file from the given filename
      function Clp_readMps( model, filename, keepNames, ignoreErrors)
      use symtypes
      integer(IL) :: Clp_readMps
      integer(IL), intent(in) :: keepNames, ignoreErrors
      character(15), intent(in) :: model, filename
      end function Clp_readMps
!     Primal column solution
      function Clp_primalColumnSolution(model)
!DEC$ ATTRIBUTES stdcall, alias:'_Clp_primalColumnSolution at 8' ::
!DEC$ ATTRIBUTES reference :: model
      use symtypes
      integer(IL) :: Clp_primalColumnSolution
      character(15), intent(in) :: model
      end function Clp_primalColumnSolution
!     Objective value
      function Clp_objectiveValue(model)
!DEC$ ATTRIBUTES stdcall, alias:'_Clp_objectiveValue at 8' ::
!DEC$ ATTRIBUTES reference :: model
      use symtypes
      integer(IL) :: Clp_objectiveValue
      character(15), intent(in) :: model
      end function Clp_objectiveValue
!     Dual algorithm - see ClpSimplexDual.hpp for method
      function Clp_dual(model, ifValuesPass)
!DEC$ ATTRIBUTES stdcall, alias:'_Clp_loadProblem at 12' :: Clp_loadProblem
!DEC$ ATTRIBUTES value :: ifValuesPass
!DEC$ ATTRIBUTES reference :: model
      use symtypes
      integer(IL) :: Clp_dual
      integer(IL) :: ifValuesPass
      character(15), intent(in) :: model
      end function Clp_dual
      END MODULE clp_ifaces
2. I have created my project defining in settings the following
a) In C/C++ preprosessor/additional include directories:
b) In Link/Object/library modules:
However, when I try to link my project I get the following errors:
prueba1.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol
_Clp_loadProblem at 48 <mailto:_Clp_loadProblem at 48> 
prueba1.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _CLP_DUAL at 12
<mailto:_CLP_DUAL at 12> 
prueba1.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol
_Clp_objectiveValue at 8 <mailto:_Clp_objectiveValue at 8> 
prueba1.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol
_Clp_primalColumnSolution at 8 <mailto:_Clp_primalColumnSolution at 8> 
Debug/prueba1.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 4 unresolved externals
Error executing link.exe.
prueba1.exe - 5 error(s), 1 warning(s)

I think the problem is with the Clp.lib file since it does not have any
@number with its functions, instead it has @ ??
What could it be the error? What I would need to do that I am not doing
now? Thanks in advance.
Kind regards,
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