[Ipopt] memory usage grows each iteration

shirel josef shireljosef at gmail.com
Tue Feb 12 04:23:29 EST 2019

I am trying to solve a rather small optimization problem, using cyipopt
python wrapper.
As the the number of iterations goes up the memory usage is growing.
At iteration 1 memory usage is at 200-400 MB
At iteration 200 it goes up to about 6-7 GB

Is it common for memory usage to grow like this? When no more memory is
available it starts using virtual and swap memory.

this is the inital output of ipopt

This is Ipopt version 3.12.11, running with linear solver ma27.

Number of nonzeros in equality constraint Jacobian...:     1792
Number of nonzeros in inequality constraint Jacobian.:    14336
Number of nonzeros in Lagrangian Hessian.............:        0

Total number of variables............................:       56
                     variables with only lower bounds:        0
                variables with lower and upper bounds:        0
                     variables with only upper bounds:        0
Total number of equality constraints.................:       32
Total number of inequality constraints...............:      256
        inequality constraints with only lower bounds:      256
   inequality constraints with lower and upper bounds:        0
        inequality constraints with only upper bounds:        0

thank you
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