[Ipopt] infeasible solution?

Chunhua Men chhmen at gmail.com
Tue Jun 21 19:38:57 EDT 2016

Hi, I used IPOPT to solve a convex NLP model. The starting point
(initial solution) is feasible, but after <100 iterations, IPOPT always

"EXIT: Converged to a point of local infeasibility. Problem may be

I printed out the final solution: each decision variable is within the
bounds, and all constraints are met.  From the black console, IPOPT also
reports "Constraint violation" is zero.  So, it is a feasible solution (though
may not be optimal).

May I know in which situation, IPOPT would report "Converged to a point of
local infeasibility"?

My IPOPT version is and it was built in VS 2012 (64-bit) - Win7.

Thanks! Chunhua
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