[Ipopt] Switching from Ipopt 3.3.2 to 3.11.9 Error

Elias Beyer aut-pv7 at adensis.com
Wed Jan 7 08:55:32 EST 2015


first of all, thank you for Ipopt!

I've been using Ipopt and its Java-Interface for fast development.
Therefore I used only the prebuild binaries (v 3.3.2).
Now I built Ipopt and jIpopt successfully with the latest version of Ipopt 3.11.9,
however the following error occurs when running the same programs  as before:

All variables are fixed and constraint violation 1.000000e+007
  is above tolerance 1.000000e-002. Declaring that problem is infeasible.
Exception of type: NO_FREE_VARIABLES_AND_INFEASIBLE in file "../../../../Ipopt/src/Interfaces/IpTNLPAdapter.cpp" at line 696:
Exception message: All variables are fixed, and constraint violation is 1.000000e+007

EXIT: Problem has only fixed variables and constraints are infeasible.

Wehreas 1.000000e+007 is a number chosen to be infinity and set on the option nlp_upper_bound_inf and its negative on nlp_lower_bound_inf.
Inf is also used as open-constraint value for inequality constraints in g_L and g_U.

I currently cannot find a solution to this nor completely understand the error
(also looked into the source IpTNLPAdapter.cpp without much success).
Is there something I oversee?

Thank you for your help

Best regards

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