[Ipopt] Low # iters, ensuring that solution remains feasible

Tony Kelman kelman at berkeley.edu
Thu Nov 13 03:02:08 EST 2014

Yikes, you should’ve said you have a dense Hessian, that’s bad news. You really have 50000 x 50000 all-to-all nonlinear interaction terms? I hope you’re using OpenBLAS or MKL. Depending on the results of print_timing_statistics, also a good idea to experiment with as many different linear solvers as you can get.

From: John Schulman 
Sent: Wednesday, November 12, 2014 10:47 PM
To: Tony Kelman 
Cc: ipopt at list.coin-or.org 
Subject: Re: [Ipopt] Low # iters, ensuring that solution remains feasible

Hi Tony,  

Funny to get a reply from someone so close by after launching a message out to the colossal internet.

I wasn't warm-starting at all--that's a great suggestion. Hopefully the Lagrange multipliers won't change too much between iterations. Otherwise, there may be some problem-specific ways to guess a reasonable Lagrange multiplier here.

Regarding speed & algorithm choice, BFGS seems like the right fit here, and in this problem it's not really practical to compute the hessian (which is dense).
But I'll be sure to check out print_timing_statistics -- I'm new to Ipopt and haven't found these handy tools yet.


On Wed, Nov 12, 2014 at 10:19 PM, Tony Kelman <kelman at berkeley.edu> wrote:

  Hi John, good to see groups next door also using Ipopt.

  Generally speaking this is a pretty hard thing to do with an interior-point method. Are you warm-starting the dual variables as well, or just the primal? That may help, but it depends how closely related the subproblems are. I’d also avoid doing quasi-newton hessian approximations if you have a speed-critical application, you’ll get better convergence in most cases if you are using a modeling tool that can provide exact Hessians. Have you looked at the breakdown of computation time from print_timing_statistics?


  From: John Schulman 
  Sent: Wednesday, November 12, 2014 10:14 PM
  To: ipopt at list.coin-or.org 
  Subject: Re: [Ipopt] Low # iters, ensuring that solution remains feasible

  Oops, "wildly feasible" in the first paragraph should be "wildly infeasible"

  On Wed, Nov 12, 2014 at 10:06 PM, John Schulman <john.d.schulman at gmail.com> wrote:


    I am calling Ipopt repeatedly to solve a series of subproblems.
    For each subproblem, Ipopt is initialized with a feasible solution, and max_iter is set to 50 or so. 
    The optimization terminates early, and often this intermediate solution is wildly feasible.
    I'm wondering if there are any settings that will ensure that the result is nearly feasible.


    I am using Ipopt to solve a series of subproblems of the form 
    minimize f(x), subject to g(x) < delta,
    Here g is a distance function of sorts, measuring Distance(x_0,x), where x_0 is the initialization.
    So the the initial point x_0 is feasible.
    x has dimension 50000 or so, so I am using hessian_approximation with limited memory.

    I need to keep to a low number of iterations, say 50 or 100, so the overall computation time remains reasonable.
    It's not essential at all that the solution generated is optimal; I just want to improve the objective as much as possible while remaining feasible.

    I tried fiddling with the barrier parameters but didn't have any luck.
    Any suggestions?
    Thanks in advance for your time.


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