[Ipopt] [mumps-users] Ipopt MUMPS interface and MPI problems

Stefan Vigerske stefan at math.hu-berlin.de
Fri Jul 11 18:14:49 EDT 2014


I usually never use a parallel MUMPS with Ipopt. I just use the 
sequential one that the Ipopt buildsystem sets up and builds.

I can imagine, that have the same Ipopt lib for both types of MUMPS will 
not work, because the IpMumpsSolverInterface.cpp has the comment:

// The following line is a fix for otherwise twice-defined global variable
// (This would have to be taken out for a parallel MUMPS version!)


On 07/10/2014 07:52 PM, Paulo César Pereira de Andrade wrote:
> 2014-07-10 10:05 GMT-03:00 Paulo César Pereira de Andrade
> <paulo.cesar.pereira.de.andrade at gmail.com>:
>> 2014-07-09 20:09 GMT-03:00 Stefan Vigerske <stefan at math.hu-berlin.de>:
>>> Hi,
>>    Hi,
>>> There is a check for MPI_Initialized in configure, which should make sure
>>> that HAVE_MPI_INITIALIZED is defined in case the function is available.
>>> Did you have to set it by hand because you use a selfmade build system, or
>>> does the check in configure not work in your case? If the latter, it might
>>> be interesting if it could be fixed.
>    I think I wrote too much details.
>    Is it a known issue to be required to have two Ipopt builds, or is a single
> Ipopt build supposed to work with either parallel or sequential MUMPS
> (whatever is installed or in LD_LIBRARY_PATH)?
>>    I preferred to add -DHAVE_MPI_INITIALIZED=1 to C{,XX}FLAGS as this
>> is supposed to make it clear detection was correct. It is (apparently) not
>> properly handling whatever is passed to --with-mump-* options to the build
>> of the test program, which fails to link due to undefined MPI_Initialized
>> symbol.
>>    Another issue I am having is that Fedora has openmpi, and while the
>> latest MUMPS package has a parallel and a sequential build, I cannot
>> make a single Ipopt build because MUMPS apparently does not provide
>> enough stubs for openmpi. To avoid needing an explicit -lmpi_cxx in
>> "pkg-config --libs ipopt" I patched to add
>> #define OMPI_SKIP_MPICXX 1
>> before include of mpi.h, but that still does not work if later using the
>> sequential MUMPS, due to missing ompi_mpi_comm_world symbol.
>> I tried building a MUMPS with a stub ompi_mpi_comm_world symbol
>> in the sequential MUMPS, but then it fails due to the missing
>> _ZN3MPI8Datatype4FreeEv symbol
>> $ c++filt _ZN3MPI8Datatype4FreeEv
>> MPI::Datatype::Free()
>> and that should be enough to give up attempting a single Ipopt
>> build, as would need to add C++ stubs to MUMPS (only C) to
>> avoid that, or maybe the problem lies in openmpi that should not
>> have generated that dependency when OMPI_SKIP_MPICXX
>> was defined.
>>> Stefan
>>> On 07/10/2014 12:36 AM, Dominique Orban wrote:
>>>> I'm using 3.11.8 but the problem persists unless you build with
>>>> Dominique
>>>> On Wed, Jul 9, 2014 at 6:29 PM, Paulo César Pereira de Andrade <
>>>> paulo.cesar.pereira.de.andrade at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> 2014-07-09 17:37 GMT-03:00 Dominique Orban <dominique.orban at gmail.com>:
>>>>>     Hi,
>>>>>> In Homebrew, we compile IPOPT with -DHAVE_MPI_INITIALIZED to get around
>>>>>> this. See
>>>>>> https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-science/blob/master/ipopt.rb#L36
>>>>> and
>>>>>> recent discussions on the IPOPT mailing list.
>>>>>     Many thanks! I was indeed trying to fix the package and did not
>>>>> notice that the latest release already have the solution for the problem.
>>>>>> Dominique
>>>>>> On Wed, Jul 9, 2014 at 3:45 PM, Paulo César Pereira de Andrade
>>>>>> <paulo.cesar.pereira.de.andrade at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>     Hi,
>>>>>>>     The Ipopt MUMPS interface calls MPI_Init in the class constructor
>>>>>>> and MPI_Finalize in the destructor. But openmpi causes a fatal
>>>>>>> error due to it:
>>>>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>> Calling MPI_Init or MPI_Init_thread twice is erroneous.
>>>>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>> Debian uses this patch for Ipopt:
>>>>> http://sources.debian.net/src/coinor-ipopt/3.11.7-2/debian/patches/mpi-init.patch
>>>>>>> But "only" that patch causes the Ipopt testsuite to fail due to calling
>>>>>>> MPI functions before MPI_Init.
>>>>>>> What is the proper way to handle it? I believe it should be
>>>>>>> somewhat like only call MPI_Init and MPI_Finalize from the
>>>>>>> test suite main function, but I have few knowledge of all
>>>>>>> details (e.g. maybe only required if linking Ipopt to a parallel
>>>>>>> MUMPS) ...
> Thanks,
> Paulo

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