[Ipopt] acceptable tolerance options

Naumann, Steffi steffi.naumann at iosb-ast.fraunhofer.de
Wed Dec 18 08:25:20 EST 2013


I'm new with Ipopt and I'm trying to find good termination criteria for my optimization problem. In some cases the problem got solved with success. In other cases solving the problem exceeds maximum CPU-time, but the results seem to be adequate. In these cases I tried to introduce the "acceptable tolerance" options. When I set the acceptable tolerances to values which get fulfilled in the optimization-run without acceptable tolerance options, the solver does not stop with the considered "Solved to acceptable level" statement. Instead of that it exceeds again the time-limit and ends with much worse results.

Is it possible that the acceptable tolerance options have an influence to the result of the optimization?


M.Sc. Steffi Naumann (geb. Pflugradt)

Institutsteil Angewandte Systemtechnik (AST) des Fraunhofer IOSB
Am Vogelherd 50
D-98693 Ilmenau

Tel.:            +49 3677 461-104
Fax:            +49 3677 461-100
E-Mail:       steffi.naumann at iosb-ast.fraunhofer.de<mailto:steffi.naumann at iosb-ast.fraunhofer.de>
Internet:   www.iosb-ast.fraunhofer.de<http://www.iosb-ast.fraunhofer.de/>

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